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Pitch Black

Level 40
End of an RIVE has just shipped out to a new home. Great board!

Now Arne is going:

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Tell me about it......;)

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Blew my welfare check on HW, can i have another one?


sure your Swedish, ain't you?.... have 3

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i am getting a chiller..

it wont be a massive chill, but fully enough for some benchmarking RB, 2D

Running a naked haswell mount, with any IHS, so the chill gets in there alright..

I have noticed through out the years, that if you GPU is max 18c or 28c max load, really doesn't make that much of a difference when it comes to OC range.. but above 30c and it start to go downhill slowly.. +40c = your screwed

I think by taking advantage of the chill, and really get in in there, where its needed is the way to go.. Less brute force, and more high tech..

the chiller will only be turned on, when i do benchmarking, 24/7 and its passive (running on a rad)

Level 40
I think chiller is the way I will go too....stay in the enthusiast league and less hassle with preparing board with all sorts of gunk...

I think it's a good next step

What volts are you guys putting through your RAM? I put 1.8 through the Pi RAM and it was only just warm under a couple of fans....

Level 16
Chiller is a good way to stay in the Enthusiast League... just keep your eye on the dew point if you don't insulate your board...

Pis are still OK under a fan with 1.85V for me...

Level 40
Did you insulate your board with the chiller Z? Or is it enough to wrap the tubing for benching sessions?

Level 16
Nope, I was looking at the dew point, never went below that... - it's about 10-15C below the ambient (but still above 0C, so it's good for the Enthusiast League), depending on the relative humidity...

Zka17 wrote:
Nope, I was looking at the dew point, never went below that... - it's about 10-15C below the ambient (but still above 0C, so it's good for the Enthusiast League), depending on the relative humidity...

Anything sub ambient isn't allowed in the enthusiast league. If you're using water chillers or any other item that brings the temps sub ambient then you should be in the OC league.

Level 40
Thanks Zka17! Yeah, that seems simple enough..and here as the temps go higher the aircon comes on and then humidity gets sucked out of the air quite effectively anyway and a bit of lagging is no prob...

Level 14
Waiting on some pictures Arne?
I have only had to worry about dew point the couple times it has rained here, very dry climate where I'm living now. Just be careful as it's easy to get used to upping the voltage to squeeze a couple more mhz, follow Paw's and Z's advice and never ever under any circumstance listen to my advice and you will be alright