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pc wont boot up to windows

Level 7
Hello my pc wont boot up to windows , pc was working fine for the past 4 days i even tuned up oc from windows to overclock it to 4.250 anw it was all good until yesterday i decided to shut down pc and turned off the switch of the psu today morning time , i turned on the psu pressed the power button the mobo turned on and off once then turned on normally showed the rog screen and windows is starting up then a black page like the display has been disc , solutions ? What could it be ? Specs are psu antec 1200 all cables connected to moboeven the stiffy ones , two gtx 590s also all cables connected 16 gb kingston hyper x ram 2133hz intel ssd 750 gb520 series seagate momentus xt 750 gb mobo r4e any help would appreciated am getting frustrated each time i fix it and things happen again now the restore and repair wont work

Level 7
guys this is weird it worked by just leave the pc to cooldown for a bit and start windows normally , this is weird u see if i cut the current from the powersupply for like an night and the morning it turn it on and start the pc the mobo turns on and off then on it shows the rog logo shows starting windows then stops at the black screen , as of now the pc is running normally i dunno what's the real deal here and my cpu is overclocked to 4.250 , one more thing could it be the hdd ?or something though i had the same issues runnin windows on the momentus i got an ssd to run windows on , where do u think i should plug the SDD in the last 2 reds or the mid ones ?

Level 40
The debug code AA means the board has booted up OK and handed over to the OS.If you are seeing a black screen could this be a problem with your display? And yes the two mid red ports are the intel ones best to leave the SSD there.

ok so my ssd is correct well actually i am using a 3d tv sony 60' kdlx900 series 3d via hdmi for 3d gaming
my vgas are connected in the second and 3rd not in sli mode cause when i enable sli i get a blue screen for some reason btw it just happened again now as it was working before like 5 hours ago help ?

ok just turned off my psu and left the mobo to turn off turned it on again pressed start mobo goes on and off like 4 times bios lists mobo and cpu and ram specs and usb devices total - drive keyboard ..... detected ata atapi devices... sata port 2 3 4 etc ovcerclocking failed please enter stup to reconfigure your system again only my cpu is overclocked to 4.250

then i restart pc to make sure all is normal mobo turns off and on and procceeds to starting windows then greeted again with a black display showing HDMI 1 as i have 4 ports ...

Level 7
i ignored everything pressed f1 setup pressed load optimzed default and exit without saving it loads to windows and am in now ... what the hell is oging on it's still overclocked to 4.250

tarekhaig wrote:
what the hell is oging on it's still overclocked to 4.250

What is going on is that you failed to clear CMOS and load BIOS defaults... It's meaning that your OC settings from Windows (as you stated in your post #1) still apply...

So, try it again!

Just for future records, those OCs from Windows sucks... next time do it from BIOS...

u want me to try to clear cmos how plz ?

if i did everything should work fine or ?

ok not even system restore ... seriously !