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pc wont boot up to windows

Level 7
Hello my pc wont boot up to windows , pc was working fine for the past 4 days i even tuned up oc from windows to overclock it to 4.250 anw it was all good until yesterday i decided to shut down pc and turned off the switch of the psu today morning time , i turned on the psu pressed the power button the mobo turned on and off once then turned on normally showed the rog screen and windows is starting up then a black page like the display has been disc , solutions ? What could it be ? Specs are psu antec 1200 all cables connected to moboeven the stiffy ones , two gtx 590s also all cables connected 16 gb kingston hyper x ram 2133hz intel ssd 750 gb520 series seagate momentus xt 750 gb mobo r4e any help would appreciated am getting frustrated each time i fix it and things happen again now the restore and repair wont work

Level 40
Hey there! 🙂 Have you tried to clear CMOS? Or get into bios and reset defaults?

You load optimized default config yes i did , i even did the safe mode loading config

Level 16
It seems to me that is something with the SSD which contains the OS...

Perhaps the OC failed and rebooted with new BIOS settings and the SATA mode got changed... did you verified that? Is it still in AHCI mode?

debug is AA let me tell u where my shdd and ssd are plugged in the 4 black ones has the SHDD AND PIONEER BD and the SSD is plugged in the red ones in the middle not the last two ones

how can i know if it's still in AHCI MODE ?

Level 40
Try a live OS - something that will boot from USB stick and see if your hard drive is still working.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 16
By checking it in the BIOS - Advanced tab - SATA Configuration - SATA Mode

Level 7
yes it says 1 ide mode 2 achi mode 3 raid mode