Thanks for reply. Yeah I've already done that and this time it gave me an oc of 5,3, which I think is still too optimistic. I mean I haven't got some crazy cooler or anything and it seems a lot of people are struggling to get 5. I'm on default at the moment (+xmp1, multi core enhancement) and am getting similar temps to the 5,2 I had. On the 5.2 I spent about 20 hours running benchmarks, stress tests and playing bfv almost non stop. I had zero stability issues and the temps never reached 80, and was mostly around 60. If I remember correctly, I think the max v-core I saw in HW monitor was 1.35. Seems to be a great, stable oc but people are telling me not to trust any auto oc'ing facility so I set it back to default. Been using the new cpu/mb non stop for 4/5 days now so the mb has had plenty of time to learn my system. Should I trust the ai? Does seem a lot better than previous auto oc facilities. Thanks Adam.