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Optimized settings - Asus ROG IV

Level 7
Hello everyone

I got troubles, I started up my pc, in optimized settings, and during the restart afterwards we had a power break down, so my pc went off, and ever since I can't choose bios or anything, I only got a black screen.

Can anyone help me?

Level 40
Press button with green circular arrow on I/O pannel for clear CMOS. Will reset...:-)

If you use that preset...make sure you are cooling your VRM! OCing you need active cooling...

It didn't work, any other suggestions what I could do?

Level 40
You can try two things: switch off all power, unplug PC and remove the battery. Let stand for a bit.
Switch BIOS pressing BIOS button and see if other is working....

Where do I switch to the second bios chip you are talking about.

Level 40
I would get the manual out for that or download it from Asus....much easier with pictures...than me describing it really..;-)
But it's a small, round, red button on bottom edge of board right hand side. You will see orange light above BIOS chips jump...if board plugged in....

I am assuming Asus Rog iv means RIVE...:-)

This one
ASUS Rampage IV Extreme Republic of Gamers

Nothing happen, it just saying 01 on the motherboard.

Cyberrevolution wrote:
Nothing happen, it just saying 01 on the motherboard.

Have you found the button and seen the BIOS light jump etc? You could try pressing the "GO" button.
Do your fans start spinning etc.?

Check your power connections ...the 24 pin and 8 pin ATX cables.

Sounds like you might have done some damage...

You could try to re-flash the BIOS : if neither of the BIOS chips are working.

I tried all the buttons on the motherboard, just to ensure everything was tried, now I tried the other tip you gave me with the flash drive, when I plug it in, it blinks for few seconds and afterwards it just stop blinking and the usb only had a quick light in it, doesn't seems like it updated the bios or what it was supposed to do.