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OC tips & suggestions for "Rookie Rumble Cup #3 - XTU"

Level 7
Currently in top 10 with an ASUS HERO

"Rookie Rumble Cup #3 - XTU"


My specs and settings are here in detail. (click XTU settings & XTU hardware under BIOS/UEFI settings)

Problem I'm finding is I'm only stable at 4.3 - 4.4 can get a bit shaky (WHEA BSOD's 😞 ).

Would love to finish higher in this competition.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

[Asus HERO - i7 4770k @4.3 - 32gb G.Skill Ares @2400 via XMP - Samsung 840 SSD - 660GTX in SLi]

Level 40
Nice! Good effort r0wnin 😄

I guess you have a bit of room to go higher voltage wise but that will depend entirely on how well your cooler is handling the heat generated. What temperatures are you getting when the processor is under load at the moment? From RealTemp or Coretemp or something like that....that reads the core temperatures.

maybe best post up system specs...folk ( and by that I mostly mean me 😮 ) are lazy to go looking elsewhere...

Arne Saknussemm wrote:

maybe best post up system specs...folk ( and by that I mostly mean me 😮 ) are lazy to go looking elsewhere...

Asus HERO - i7 4770k @4.3 - 32gb G.Skill Ares @2400 via XMP - Samsung 840 SSD - 660GTX in SLi

Arne Saknussemm wrote:

I guess you have a bit of room to go higher voltage wise but that will depend entirely on how well your cooler is handling the heat generated. What temperatures are you getting when the processor is under load at the moment?

Synthetic load stable 66-67C degrees on manual voltages. I don't stress test adaptive.
Real world load I never go above 55C.
[Asus HERO - i7 4770k @4.3 - 32gb G.Skill Ares @2400 via XMP - Samsung 840 SSD - 660GTX in SLi]

Level 10
from his pics hes got an H80 all in one

even with that little cooler as long as you have good temps you could easily go into the 1.3v level, but as long as you have good temps lol

altho you already have a pretty decent score, my 4770k at 4.5GHz with a min/max cache of 4.4 only gets a 903 on XTU, which idk what thats about lol
CoolerMaster HAF 932 Advanced/ Maximus VI Formula/ I7-4770K/Swiftech H320/ Corsair HX850/ G.Skill Trident X (2x8) 16gb 2400MHz/ 2x 840 EVO 120gb(Raid 0)/ WD 1TB HDD (Backup/Storage)/ EVGA GTX 1gb 560 TI/ Asus 12x bluray combo

I find Haswell performs better with a lower voltage even at a lower MHZ due to it's small nanometer architecture and overall poor thermal qualities (unless de-lid).

I only want to tweak my current settings for a higher XTU score for the comp. And maybe lower my existing voltage with the same performance settings.
[Asus HERO - i7 4770k @4.3 - 32gb G.Skill Ares @2400 via XMP - Samsung 840 SSD - 660GTX in SLi]

Tokens210 wrote:
my 4770k at 4.5GHz with a min/max cache of 4.4 only gets a 903 on XTU, which idk what thats about lol

Tokens210 -- try tweaking your DRAM. That's the kind of efficiency XTU rewards, rather than brute force core clock.


jab383 wrote:
Tokens210 -- try tweaking your DRAM. That's the kind of efficiency XTU rewards, rather than brute force core clock.


thx, i only ran XTU myself to see a comparison to the OP's results to try and get an idea of how he'd increase it, i had a feeling memory was in there tho as i have low par ram

Crucial Ballistix Sport 2x2gb 1600 9-9-9-24-2T i believe, havent really played with it as im planing on better ram, altho i did read a review that said these sticks are simply the previous years higher end ram just set with lower setting so i may be able to tweak them some

i feel your pain on those high volts tho, as i said my H320 is doing amazing compared to what most ppl say an all in one cooler would do but i also dont believe its just the cooler, i believe its a combo of the cooler and my chip itself just handles the higher volt and heat a wee bit better, currently on the realbench standings im in 19th for ppl with similar setups but ive also got crap ram, a piece of crap 560ti and my os is running on an original sata 1.5gb WD HDD lol, only way id up that standing is pure core power most likely as those are the fields other beat me, but they are all also running 4.7 to my 4.5

but im not delidded, and just for 4.7 or 4.8 to boot requires atleast 1.525v-1.552v, and then just crashes about a minute after OS loads, any voltage entered 1.528 or higher causes the over volt alarm which ive opted to leave on for now as kinda a dummy alarm for myself lol

like dont do that ya dummy your running an AIO cooler lol
CoolerMaster HAF 932 Advanced/ Maximus VI Formula/ I7-4770K/Swiftech H320/ Corsair HX850/ G.Skill Trident X (2x8) 16gb 2400MHz/ 2x 840 EVO 120gb(Raid 0)/ WD 1TB HDD (Backup/Storage)/ EVGA GTX 1gb 560 TI/ Asus 12x bluray combo

With a core multi @ 43 and cache set to 41(previously auto) I matched the score of 1113 that was my previous record at 4.4 with adaptive voltage.

Less is more with haswell unless you can tame the heat.
[Asus HERO - i7 4770k @4.3 - 32gb G.Skill Ares @2400 via XMP - Samsung 840 SSD - 660GTX in SLi]

Level 10
those temps are good especially since synthetics like prime usually tend to make lots of heat, i have noticed myself what you said tho, on haswell lower clocks with lower voltage seem to return better results then higher clocks with higher voltages at least sometimes, i have had a rare few tests so far go the other way

as i saw as well your running 4.4GHz on your test at 1.275v and a score of 1113 mine probly wouldnt even boot that lol
mines 4.5GHz min/max Cache 4.4GHz requires 1.4v to be stable and only gets a 903 lol 0 throttling happening and 1 core spikes to 90

i run adaptive tho so i dont use prime, but i can run realbench as many times as i wish and 80c is the highest spike ill get, but im also using a Swiftech H320

at those temps and voltages tho you may be able to swing 4.5 or 4.6 to see if you catch any improvement, the number i tend to look for when testing is high 70s and 80's for my chip atleast after about 76c its like a downhill where it can get to hot to fast, and not like a 76 spike, i mean like its sitting at about 76-84c which ive only had mine doing when i had 1.5+v going to it to try and boot 4.8

as for other sections of the test,

besides that if you havent already you may be able to pull down your ram timings and overclock the GPU's a bit, but ive noticed again it may just be my card since its a piece of trash lol but ive noticed a couple places that nvidia cards sometimes get worse scores when going higher on the overclock as well, well in realbench anyway lol

my trash 560 ti is that way lol realbench stock settings gets 37,000 openCL 650+ textures per second
bring its base clock of 851MHz to 1050MHz gives me a score of 27,000 openCL 200-400 textures per second
and bringing the 851 to 951 gives me 45,000 openCL 860+ textures per second

as i said tho may just be this crap card, as sometimes the 1050MHz gets shaky while other times its rock solid
CoolerMaster HAF 932 Advanced/ Maximus VI Formula/ I7-4770K/Swiftech H320/ Corsair HX850/ G.Skill Trident X (2x8) 16gb 2400MHz/ 2x 840 EVO 120gb(Raid 0)/ WD 1TB HDD (Backup/Storage)/ EVGA GTX 1gb 560 TI/ Asus 12x bluray combo

Level 14
Try lowering resolution, visual setting high performance, I am not sure but that may give a couple points, reduce the number of processes running, have you tried using (SMART v2) makes it easy to turn off un-needed processes and enable them again,