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New to overclocking.

Level 7
Hey guys, im Kishshey from Sri lanka and im a total newbie 😃
So can you guys help me to provide some basic info and related and useful posts regarding CPU and DRAM overclocking. Hope the pro's out there will help :rolleyes:

Level 16
Welcome to the ROG Forum!

You certainly can get nice infos about OC'ing here... however, it would help tremendously if we would know your setup... - please, list your hardware in detail and we can start from there... 🙂

Im glad that you're helping me. As you asked, this is my current system.
Maximus V Gene, 3570K with H100, Dominator Platinum 1866 2x4GB, Asus GTX 670 DC2T (hoping to make it 2 way SLi in the near future) and all these are powered by an AX850 😃
I mainly like to focus on cpu and dram, gpu; not much.

Level 16
You do have a sweet setup there! :cool: All the parts are meant to be OC'd... including the graphics card...

So, for start I would suggest you to forget any factory presets (from OS or BIOS) and take your time to learn your system... in the Maximus series mobo section of this Forum you can find general descriptions about OC'ing (stickies) - I strongly suggest you to read those first! Be sure that you understand everything, you can come back and ask if something is not clear enough...

Then, you can start... only thing you have to keep in mind is that every component is individual in the sense of OC'ing... there are no setting which will work for everyone... and the temperatures will be your ultimate guide for the max limits...

After you read through the guides, the next thing you should do, check your temps at stock settings... maybe post them here, together with your ambient temps... - then we can see how much higher you may go...

Alright, i'll check every useful stickies on mobo section, and post here if i have further questions.

REP + Thank you for the advice