I haven't tried an XMP profile. Another poster said I should set the memory to run at 2133MHz, but in later research, I found out that was its maximum tested speed. Its standard speed is 1333MHz. Having learned that, cleared the CMOS and made sure everything was on Automatic that had an automatic setting. That's what I want, anyway, for everything to work at its recommended speed. I'm after stability here, not overclocking. XMP seems to run things at a higher clock rate than JEDEC.
So anyway, when i cleared the CMOS and had everything on auto, I had four sticks of RAM in there (before I only had two) because I wondered if the QVL was saying that 11-12-11-30 and 1.65 volts was for running all four DIMMs. Those ratings, according to the Kingston PDF for this memory, are for running the memory at 2133MHz. 1333MHz is apparently the speed I'm supposed to be shooting for, so it's all on automatic now.
The only thing I haven't tried yet (but I'm about to) is setting the BIOS option that says "Load 4GB settings". Well, my modules are 4GB, so perhaps this is the setting for me. It raises the auto-configured 9-9-9-24 slightly, but that's okay.
I'll try just one stick of RAM. For a minute, I thought you were telling me wrong to put the single DIMM in the slot furthest from the CPU, so I took a look at the second manual because I thought it was saying to use slot A1 and B1 when using two DIMMS, but it says to use A2 and B2. The little arrows didn't help on the diagram, and I didn't notice that the text and pointers were pointing to A2 and B2. Still, the diagram doesn't say that having one DIMM in slot B2 (which is furthest from the CPU) is a recommended configuration.
What about disabling the ECC mode in the BIOS? It's funny that the manual says to use non-ECC memory, yet the BIOS for it apparently has settings for ECC. Why have a setting FOR ECC when the motherboard requres non-ECC memory?
The book also says to use a maximum of 3GB when using 32-bit OS. LOL I don't have any memory modules smaller than 4GB. However, I did notice that I have not been able to stay up and running as long with 16GB installed as I was with 8GB installed. With 8GB, I could keep it up and running for about an hour. With 16GB, I could keep it up and running about five minutes.
Maybe that's the issue, then...having more than 3GB of memory installed. I figured if there was more, Windows 32-bit would just ignore it and pretend it isn't there. I didn't think it would cause stability issues.
Motherboard: Asus Crosshair V Formula Z (BIOS 1101)
CPU: AMD FX-6300 Vishera 6-Core
Memory: 16 (4 x 4) GB Kingston HyperX 2133 @ 1333 - DDRKHX2133C11D3K4/16GX
Graphics: MSI GeForce GTX 650 (OC Edition) w/ 1GB GDDR5
Display: Acer S271HL 27" LCD-LED @ 1920 x 1080
Hard Drive: Western Digital Caviar 320GB
PSU: Thermaltake Smart-M Series 850-watt (July 2012)
UPS: APC XS 1500