03:37 PM
- last edited on
08:17 PM
05-13-2019 11:17 PM
05-14-2019 07:42 AM
AS185 wrote:
Which motherboard are you using? Zenith Extreme or Alpha? Yes, enabling the D.O.C.P should work just fine while everything on Auto. However, it really depends on your processor. I believe you should be able run on that speed. Make sure to update the BIOS to 1601 first, if using Zenith Extreme. This should be the BIOS where you can just overclock the ram without pressing on the processor.
05-13-2019 11:29 PM
05-14-2019 07:46 AM
Arne Saknussemm wrote:
BIOS 0405 is the latest for ZEA (Latest for ZA is 1701)
3200 for 8x8 can be tricky for some processors and RAM combinations on this platform.
What is the exact RAM part number? Is it a single quad channel kit?
05-14-2019 07:58 AM
05-15-2019 08:44 PM
Arne Saknussemm wrote:
OK so it's a single kit which helps...it's not on the QVL but there is a similar kit that is...might be a question of tweaking...
Try to raise DRAM voltage a bit Try 1.375 or 1.4v and set SOC voltage to 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.25V...see if that helps
05-15-2019 11:01 PM
Spacemanspiff01 wrote:
SOC (CPU SOC right?)
05-16-2019 01:49 PM
Arne Saknussemm wrote:
Yes, correct.
HWiNFO64 is the only monitoring software I would recommend for this platform.
Though, all software should have the offset already applied so, no, no need to add the 27...your idle temp is high (should not be affected 5 degrees by setting up your RAM either)
Are you OCing the CPU? Temps should be 3 or 4 or 5 degrees above ambient if AIO cooler is working OK
05-16-2019 11:21 PM