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Need assistance finding the limit of my 4770k(temps not a factor)

Level 7
I recently bought this kit for my EK waterblock:
My cpu was already delidded a few years ago so I thought why not.

Temps before “naked mount”:

It's been really fun to overclock the last few days but I seem to have hit a bit of a wall on 4.9ghz / 1.44v. It's quite stable but not enough for 24/7/365.
Some documentation I’ve done:

I’ve been running “eventual CPU input Voltage” at 2.01 before on my other overclocks. But now I seem to run into instability no matter what, input 2.3v, vcore 1.55v, doesn’t matter after starting occt it fails after 10 seconds to 2-3 minutes. 4.8ghz / 1.4v vcore / 2.1v input seems good and ran between 4 and 5 hours occt stress test before it failed, probably needs a little bumb on voltage, haven't had the time to test more yet. It boots to 5ghz but can’t really do anything other than screenshot it. So my goal would be 4.9.

I’m a little uncomfortable increasing my input voltage above 2.1v. But if it dies, whatever, it will suck but I got money saved up for a new pc parts (cpu/Mobo/ram). Not sure if anyone has anything to say about where the limit is with the input voltage?

Stats from my previous overclocks on this cpu:
(Input voltage : 2.01v 😞
4.4ghz / 1.18vcore / 4.4ghz ring/ 1.2v adaptive ring
4.5ghz/ 1.26vcore / 4.5ghz ring / 1.3v adaptive ring
4.7ghz/ 1.38vcore / 4.5ghz ring / 1.3v adaptive ring

(Input voltage : 2.1v):
4.8ghz / 1.4vcore / Auto ring / Auto ring voltage (stable)
4.9ghz/ 1.44vcore/ Auto ring / Auto ring voltage (unstable, kinda ok for daily use tho (5h of linpack was fine))

(Input voltage: 2-2.3v)
4.9ghz/ 1.4-1.5v. (anything above or below 1.44 makes it more unstable:S)

(C states / turbo / EIST / spread spectrum / and a bunch of other things disabled to eliminate instabilities when I’m overclocking.Vcore on manual. Most other voltages and settings on auto)

I’m not that patient with reading forums so if anyone has any ideas for previous experience I’d LOVE(!) if you could help me out. (probably get a lot of these “stupid” questions/ posts)

(I suppose you need some of my bios information may be, I can add that to the google drive, but what, my overclocking profile on a file or something like that?)

Asus z87 gene
16gig 1600mhz cl8 ram
Corsair AX860i PSU
3x 140mm rad with custom watercooling on the cpu (420 blaze it)

Hi krhagene

Welcome to the ROG forum.

Boy you're really pushing your 4770k to the edge, I've never seen one here on the forum overclocked to 4.8GHz let alone 4.9GHz. Normally all you need to fool with is the cpu core ratio and the cpu core voltage when overclocking. 1.52v is the max safe voltage and max temp of 75c but you can take stress testing temps to 90c.

I would try to get 4.8GHz stable and run there, as you say you may have hit the wall. If you're finding you need a lot more voltage to hit the next 100MHz you hit the wall.

yeah I've been overclocking this cpu a lot since I owned it. With all kinds of cooling sulutions(120 thick aio, 212 evo, 9x140mm external rad with gpu block aswell, Noctua 14cm air tower cooler, and now 3x140mm internal waterloop) so I know it pretty well. 2 diffrent motherboards aswell. I used to try and change a lot of the advanced cpu features but I had issues finding which ones were important, and if they had an impact at all vs auto. Before I changed the eventual cpu input voltage to 2v it hardly clocked at all, like I couldn't get it above 4.5ghz. But I read or heard in a youtube video that intels spec says the cpu is suppose to have 2v input, and that anything below 2.1v input is fine. I read somewhere else that the input to the FiVR(i guess) on haswell has to be 0.7v above the cpu vcore voltage. Now I read somewhere else that is suppose to be 0.4v above, so not sure which is true. I've had sucess with 0.6-0.7 above at least.

I've also done stresstest with cpu at 90-95c for over 48 hours and its fine, like barly below throttleing. Done testing with it throttleing from time to time aswell. And as I've said I've tried both 1.55v (bios giving over voltage error) and input at 2.3 for short periods of time(10 min) and its completly fine(so far). I was just wondering if anyone had more experience with the diffrent ROG settings, my experience is that most of it works fine on auto(except eventual cpu input). So if you have suggestinos for settings I should change or voltages I could try and tweak to achive 4.9 I'd be happy to test it, and appriciate the help.

Raising the input voltage did seem to help significantly, I never owned the 4770k but I've helped a few people overclock theirs and 4.4GHz - 4.5GHz seemed to be the sweet spot for that cpu and was usually around 1.35v. It seems you got a "golden" one overclocking to 4.8GHz with the voltage you're using.

You should be very happy with 4.8GHz.

You can ignore the voltage to go past 1.55v but do it at your own risk I don't want to be responsible if you kill your 4770k. 🙂

Tiny tom logan at oc3d, he has a 4770k that does 4.9ghz on 1.3v, so mine is by no means that good. Its just finding the right settings. I belive all these cpus can go quite high if you delidd them to get rid of the thermal problems. Mostly important is to remove the black glue that raises the heatspreader above the cpu, as I'm sure you know.
Ow and I forgot, load-line calibration is at 8:
Had totally forgot about that setting, haven't touched it in years.

Nate152 wrote:
Raising the input voltage did seem to help significantly, I never owned the 4770k but I've helped a few people overclock theirs and 4.4GHz - 4.5GHz seemed to be the sweet spot for that cpu and was usually around 1.35v. It seems you got a "golden" one overclocking to 4.8GHz with the voltage you're using.

You should be very happy with 4.8GHz.

You can ignore the voltage to go past 1.55v but do it at your own risk I don't want to be responsible if you kill your 4770k. 🙂

By that standard yes, since mine does 4.4ghz at 1.18v and 4.5 at 1.26v.

What about stress testing software. I've tried both intels, aida 64, Prime 95, and a few more. Prime is too confusing. Aida 64 is nice but i find even if I stress test for 48 hours with it, you can't trust that your cpu is actually stable. I've had it fail at the most inopportune moments before. And I don't want to spend weeks overclocking (this time).

I find just running cinebench 10 times in quick succession works quite well, you can overclock really fast that way.

Or the normal occt stress test works well if you lock your voltage to manual(no AVX), it ususally finds little instabilties within 10 seconds to 10 minutes. If your cpu runs 8 hours in OCCT it should be more than stable for normal use in my experience.

I never delidded a cpu, I was always afraid of damaging it and voiding the warranty, there are a few here who have delidded theirs.

As long as it's staying at the voltage you set LLC at level 8 is fine. I have a 3770k that can do 5.0GHz with 1.464v then I upgraded to the maximus viii formula and the 6700k and got a crappy cpu this time. It can do 4.8GHz with 1.52v and that's just game stable it won't pass a stress test.

Actually that was my 2nd 3770k, my first one was a crappy one too I couldn't even get 5.0GHz stable with 1.75v and ended up frying it at 1.80v - 1.90v. But yeah you can take it to 1.65v and be safe as long as you can keep temps under control, that might get you to 4.9GHz.

Nate152 wrote:
I never delidded a cpu, I was always afraid of damaging it and voiding the warranty, there are a few here who have delidded theirs.

As long as it's staying at the voltage you set LLC at level 8 is fine. I have a 3770k that can do 5.0GHz with 1.464v then I upgraded to the maximus viii formula and the 6700k and got a crappy cpu this time. It can do 4.8GHz with 1.52v and that's just game stable it won't pass a stress test.

Actually that was my 2nd 3770k, my first one was a crappy one too I couldn't even get 5.0GHz stable with 1.75v and ended up frying it at 1.80v - 1.90v. But yeah you can take it to 1.65v and be safe as long as you can keep temps under control, that might get you to 4.9GHz.

Thats a nice 3770k indeed.
The guys at the intel clean rooms should have seen how I delidded my cpu, I bet they would flip their desks. Did it in my family farm workshop(not exatly clean) with a may be 1.5-3kg hammer, a vicegrip, a piece of wood and a hairdryer. Took just one small punch to start and then I gave it a good punch and I felt the glue let go, then I could just lift the cpu pcb out xD
(I was fully prepared to buy a new cpu tho, don't try it kids if you aren't.)