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My results after undervolting (i7-7700HQ - ROG GL553VE) - looking for some opinions

Level 7
Hey peeps, I'm the happy owner of a GL553VE notebook, nothing to complain about, I love it to death...except 1 thing which is the CPU temperature. I never had any kind of issues (lag, low FPS and so on), but the constant 85 to 90 degrees C that the CPU reaches while playing, pretty much any game, has always bothered me.

Few days ago, I came across this undervolting thingy by complete accident (forgot to mention that I have close to zero knowledge about this kind of stuff). It was a video on YT explaining what this thing does and how to do it. After making sure that I won't be killing my notebook, I tested the undervolting myself.

Now comes the interesting part. I managed to get my i7-7700HQ down to -125V. After a 4 hour long stress test using the XTU tool, the results were amazing:
I went from a stable 85 degrees C to 68-70 degrees C. Mind blowing!!! My 2 brain cells dedicated to IT stuff were jumping of joy. Until I started playing games and noticed that the CPU was averaging the same temperatures as before...85-90 C

So I'm a bit confused, mostly because people with the very same notebook are (claiming) getting positive results (under 80 degrees C while gaming). I'm not trying to turn my CPU into a refrigeration unit but I never imagined, especially after the stress test results, that there will be zero difference when playing games.

Soooo, any thoughts? 😮

Level 7
Hi, a bit late but better late than never.

Maybe your fans are not adjusted properly, only ramping up after the CPU gets to a certain temperature?
Use prime 95 rather than the XTU stress testing feature. I have noticed that XTU stress test results in lower temperatures compared to prime 95.
It is always a good thing to repaste your laptop, although ROG series usually has good paste. Keep in mind that Asus will void your warranty if you mess anything inside when doing the repasting.

I also usually do my undervolts with prime 95 small FFTs (maybe spelled wrong) and use XTU only as a monitor.

Level 7
If you are going to stress test using xtu, leave it to 30 mins atleast to simulate gaming environment.

I was able to undervolt to -150 mv while playing Final Fantasy XV. My temp hovers 78 c - 86 c. I have the same model as yours 🙂