ASUS is passionate about making PCs quieter, and so is Silent PC Review's Mike Chin, whose site has been at the forefront of the quiet computing revolution for over a decade. Mike will be joining us on the next ASUS Straight Edge podcast to share his insights on silencing your PC. We'll also be answering your questions on the subject, so chime in below if there's anything you want to know about fan controls, cooler designs, case configurations, or other factors that affect your machine's noise output. We'll answer as many of your questions as we can.
Episode 2 is now live!
Click here to listen to the podcast
0~0.48 Intro
0.48~3:20 The ASUS TMF
3:20~21:57 Mike Chin on SPCR's testing chamber, ASUS fan controls, and fan control suggestions
Q&A session
21:57~ 24:44 Fan controls on H170/B150 series vs Z170
24:44~27:30 ASUS MB power consumption
27:30~32:07 DPC latency
32:07~40:40 Inductor noise aka coil whine from GPUs, PSUs, and MBs
40:40~45:58 GPU fan control range
45:58~47:37 Fan control suggestions for ASUS
47:37~52:35 AIOs for GPUs
52:35 ~ 1:00:43 Fan filters
If you'd like to suggest topics for future Straight Edge podcasts, be sure to post your ideas in
this thread. And don't forget to check out
our first episode on the Z170 platform.