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Maximus XI Hero not stable with DDR4 4133 memory and 5GHz

Level 7
Hi all

I'm new to this, but hope someone will help me see if I can get my computer to run stable with full speed on my memory and 5 GHz on the CPU - or at least 4000 MHz on the DRAM frequency.

My setup:

  • CPU: I7-9700K
  • MEM: G.SKILL TridentZ 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4 4133

I've managed to get this setup to run 5 GHz on the CPU, but if I push the DRAM frequency above 3900 MHz I can't get the system stable - and at 3900 MHz I really need to give the system some voltages!

5 GHz CPU + 3900 MHz DRAM frequencyt + CPU cache ratio 46

  • CPU Core Voltage: 1.300v
  • DRAM Voltage: 1.400v
  • CPU VCCIO Voltage: 1.300v
  • CPU System Agent Voltage: 1.350v

While increasing the DRAM Frequncy to 4000 MHz I have increased the DRAM Voltage incrementially all the way up to 1.5v wihout being able to run the system stable.
The System Agent voltage is also very high, but that seemed to be the only way to make the system run stable with the DRAM Frequency at 3900 MHz

I'm using AIDA64 to run stability test.

BIOS is fully udated and nothing gets hot (max seen temp is 70 degrees C). CPU is whater cooled.

All help and input will be much appreciated. Thanks!

Level 7
Bump, following this. I also have M XI Hero, and 9700K. I have a weird ram set tho. HyperX Predator 8GB DDR4-4000 C19 HX440C19PB3/8. Sold as single kit 8GB. Bought 4 of them, can use them in 8x2 mode no problems, they will overclock to 3900 no problem, 4000 will require more than 1,15 vccsa so I don't do it.
When I try to take the rams to 8x4 mode no matter what I do I won't be able to use 4000mhz CL19 XMP profile. 1.5V DRAM, 1.35 vccsa, vccio, you name it. It just won't go. One thing I didn't try is to give 1.4 to vccsa/io but I'm not gonna run it daily so who cares if it's stable then? 8x4 mode, looks like it could work on 3866 or maybe 3800 at CL 19 XMP timings but I opted for CL16 3600 XMP. And EVEN AT THAT it requires like a 1.25 VCCSA [I dunno about IO, I typed in the same amount, seems to work]
What the hell is wrong with the motherboard on 4x8 config? I thought this was t topology. I first bought 2x8 and figured because it was t topology, maybe it'll be better with all slots filled. NOPE. BIG MISTAKE. My advice to you op, for now try 2x8 mode. Also I welcome any help you guys can give me on my ram sticks. I've been at it for a week now.

Level 7
DRAM can be up to 1.5 for B-die from Samsung or 1.45v for Micron E-die. Your VCCIO and VCCSA should never exceed 1.3v or you might damage your CPU/mobo traces when using it 24/7. Check if MRC Fast Boot is turned off in the timings menu. You can see how your RAM does with no CPU OC and check if your CPU OC could use more voltage. Or follow the steps I wrote down here:

Level 12
Keep in mind that anything over 2133mhz is overclocking the memory. Success in achieving overclocks on the memory are dependent on the memory controller of the CPU. Regardless of how high your memory is rated at, a strong memory controller is needed for speeds 3800-3900mhz. Also, the further you push your cores and uncore speeds, these can affect peak memory overclock. You can play around with RAM voltage and VCCIO and VCCSA and see if a combo will net you higher.

Level 7
In my case I played around cache on auto, cpu on auto, vccsa on 1.35 and vccio on 1.3 as well as vdimm at 1.4 on default 4000mhz cl 19 21 21 42 profile. It boots, but causes memory errors in windows. No matter what I can't get all 4 kits to work in tandem. Nothing will work with that CL 19 profile not even 3700mhz. Then, at 3600mhz, CL 17 XMP profile works fine with 1.16vccsa/io. Everything else I haven't touched. Maximus tweak mode 1-2-auto doesn't make a difference. What the hell am I missing? RT-IO timers maybe? They're on auto. I could really use some help over here, this is ridiculous, why can't it train the memory properly? Latest 1502 bios too!

use this guide

as for ram oc its best to first oc the ram and only then the cpu since at some points the cpu cache can error and give false ram test errors.
use hci or TM5 or karhu.memtest86 is not good for testing ram overclocks.

if you're mixing kits or ram then its a lot harder to get the xmp stable at high speeds.i have 2 kits of 4266c19 gskil and im running them at 4133mhz on my xi hero.
before i had a aorus pro and was limited to 3866mhz.

vccsa and vccio have a golden zone in voltage.sometimes more is not running mine at 1.21v and 1.22v when i try more it can cause errors.its different on each cpu so you need to try yours and see where to set them.

Level 7
RR_DXB wrote:
Hi all

I'm new to this, but hope someone will help me see if I can get my computer to run stable with full speed on my memory and 5 GHz on the CPU - or at least 4000 MHz on the DRAM frequency.

My setup:

  • CPU: I7-9700K
  • MEM: G.SKILL TridentZ 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4 4133

I've managed to get this setup to run 5 GHz on the CPU, but if I push the DRAM frequency above 3900 MHz I can't get the system stable - and at 3900 MHz I really need to give the system some voltages!

5 GHz CPU + 3900 MHz DRAM frequencyt + CPU cache ratio 46

  • CPU Core Voltage: 1.300v
  • DRAM Voltage: 1.400v
  • CPU VCCIO Voltage: 1.300v
  • CPU System Agent Voltage: 1.350v

While increasing the DRAM Frequncy to 4000 MHz I have increased the DRAM Voltage incrementially all the way up to 1.5v wihout being able to run the system stable.
The System Agent voltage is also very high, but that seemed to be the only way to make the system run stable with the DRAM Frequency at 3900 MHz

I'm using AIDA64 to run stability test.

BIOS is fully udated and nothing gets hot (max seen temp is 70 degrees C). CPU is whater cooled.

All help and input will be much appreciated. Thanks!

I've just dipped into the a similar sitiuation. Bios 1502

I bought F4-4000C17Q-32GTRS it is on the QVL and for 2 -3 hours reboots and Changes to AUTO XMP ! XMP2 and algorythms finally got me up at 3900mhz but was unstable and causing data corruption for sub timings being too loose.
3 days later - I had figured out xmp2 then before restart all the timing set up in the profile set to auto got it to boot great I saved the profile in the bios and hadn't any problems since .
I even got a big head and tried to over clock it to see if there was any room for a 4133 or 4100 ... I was unsuccessful here to the point where on a restart the bios would not open NO POST ... I went through the normal resets , starts buttons removed memory started stopped and put it back in Nothing then popped the battery out reset bios ... STILL nothing . So I I got the thinking maybe the memory iand the board is bugging each outher (crazy riight ) so I tried it . I pulled the memory back out one more time and installed an old set of 3000mhz that I had working in previous that I knew worked ... posted right away !?! , changed basic settings back restarted and powered off removed the 3000 (old memory) installed the F4-4000C17Q-32GTRS memory and it POSTED right away! I then activated the profile I saved and it booted right away.
so in my conclusion is the Bios and high end memory can bug the bios from posting. the only fix is Using a entirely different set of ram to force algorythms to make changes .!!! NO flash back of bios or reset or battery removal will work. (1502 is the latest one.) I'm hoping soon ASUS will come out with a bios more friendly and stable for the 4000-4400mhz memory days of analysis and many hours to get something working thats on the QVL list of Gskill and Asus.
[img" TARGET="_blank">[/img]"]85216

If you disable all the algorythms and reboot there'a goos change your wont post !!

The only fix is your remove the memory and put a different pair or set in and it will boot . battery removal reset power flushing nothing worked only a different set of memory. Bios 1502

Whitney wrote:
If you disable all the algorythms and reboot there'a goos change your wont post !!

The only fix is your remove the memory and put a different pair or set in and it will boot . battery removal reset power flushing nothing worked only a different set of memory. Bios 1502

Does your 4000mhz XMP work with only 2 DIMMs installed on A2/B2?