Just bought the Maximus VI formula a week or so ago after junking my VI hero which I had replaced my Maximus III extreme and i7-875k with, after 3 years of faultless service. Still the best board I've owned with the possible exception of the VI hero. I don't rate the formula simply because I could post the same 3dmark scores on both boards and the £60 extra on the formula is too much. Although I put a lot of the OC problem down to the core i7 4770k, i can only manage a 4.6 stable OC on it with either the hero or formula. I had my 875k 2.93 at 4.6 for over 2 years using corsair h50 water cooler without issue.
Anyway to the problem. I got the formula fitted and immediately ran into problems, usb's not working, no lan, boot drive not where I thought I put it. My fault the last one, didn't check which was SATA 1. Just assumed it was the one closest to the top of board, oops. Obviously number 1 is in the middle. Got that sorted by referring to the instructions, man card is looking likely to be revoked. Went into BIOS and resolved other problems. The thing still wont boot. Had a fiddle around in the BIOS again and finally got it going, Hurrah. Spent the last week playing BF4 and playing around in the BIOS to try and justify the extra £60 to no avail. Can't get it to run stable at more than 3.6 and max 3dmark of 38586, the VI hero managed 38846. Now, the problem. After not being able to get it too boot the first time I changed something in the BIOS and for life of me I can't remember what it was.
I've checked the RAM, the graphics card, I've reinstalled the III extreme and everything worked fine. I'm stumped on what to try next. I can't test the CPU or board independantly of each other in other hardware, got no similar spec parts. Tried to boot from disc and it still BSOD's. reset CMOS. Any ideas or suggestions welcome.
Board: MVIF
CPU: intel core i7 4770k@4.8GHz
GPU: R9 290x
RAM: 16gb Corsair Vengence 2133MHz
Case: Coolermaster HAF xb
Cooling: custom water loop
Monitor: Asus PB278Q
My build log photo dump