now, and for the 79 series.. bad timing..
Cards are "old", and that block isnt going to sell massive, in fact people having a hard time, just getting the cards today, like it is..
A new gpu series, and then release a new waterblock..
More cash to Ek, and more cash to Asus..
And happy all of us..
But a 7970 block, is good. Prob a 89 block will appear also, in the future, with better timing..
And also, this is telling me as a customer, that EK listen to us.. and not only is blinded by hard cash,
I dont know how the manufacturers of gpus, really like the water-block thing..
I can imagine, that they get a lot of cards back in return, RMA, And many of them is then sold once again/losing cash..
did i sound negative?
/Thread Trasher.. sorry