tl;dr: it was the battery, it had no current.
For some reason (could be coincidence, but I don't know why I doubt it!), ever since I've used the new settings above, after leaving the computer disconnected from power socket for 8+ hours (just like before-using the new settings btw), then plugging it in and turning it on, the BIOS settings, the time&date and the administrator password are all gone(I didn't have user password set). Date is set to 2016. So, this is just as if the CMOS battery lost all power at some point during that time, or was removed or something similar! But I find it odd that this only started happening now after using the new IA AC/DC Load Line settings with the slight +0.060 offset (I've had to increase it a bit due to another Prime95 error in the first 4mins, but it does seem stable now!).
Since then, I've tried shutting it down, unplugging computer from power socket, pressed power button to drain capacitors, wait a few seconds, replug, turn on - but it still had the date/time and BIOS settings. Perhaps the CMOS battery now, still had enough charge to keep the settings(and clock). Then, it really is an odd coincidence and my CMOS batter is a gonner(only had this computer for about 2 years and a couple of months). So if I leave it again for 8+ hours I should expect the battery to be drained again...
Is this batter actually just a battery or is it a rechargeable battery ? on ASUS Prime Z370-A.
According to
this thread the admin password should've been saved and not lost after removing CMOS battery for 24 hours.
I have removed the cmos battery and left it out for over 24 hours, the boot menu was reset but, the password was still saved.
The password is designed to survive resets and power loss.
Maybe by "power loss" they don't mean CMOS battery power loss(at the same time when there's no power connected to the board via PSU).
I suppose I could test if it's the settings, by using F5 to restore all settings to defaults, and then shutdown, unplug, wait 8+ hours! Maybe 24 hours just to be extra super sure! And if the settings aren't lost, then by god wtf... :)) then maybe BIOS is resetting them at startup due to unstable settings? but this has never happened before: I'd still be allowed to see and change my settings even when undervolting was unstable enough to not even POST (it would show me a POST after a few tries)
Side note: confirmed that restoring settings from a profile doesn't also restore the BIOS Logo Display - it should be Disabled but it's Auto! (F5 sets it to Auto and loading a profile doesn't reset it to the value that it was when that profile was saved). This little BIOS bugs are quite damaging the reputation of ASUS in my mind, gotta say. Attention to details (or lack of it) tends to do that to me, maybe I'm alone.
Confirmed lost all settings again after about 10-20 minutes of being unplugged from socket! Next try is with Load Optimized Defaults(ie. F5).
Confirmed lost all again even with default settings.
I thus checked the battery it's says:
and it had 2.87-2.90 V and 0.00 A, replaced it with new which has 2.96V, 0.33-0.37A
thus it really was a coincidence, my old battery really was dead.