I have the same problem with a K55VD...black screen. On the dvd with the drivers you've received with the laptop there is a folder called "root" and inside it i think there is the original bios firmware in the format ".bin". Since i and you have AMI bios version there is a fail safe, rename the .bin file into AMIBOOT.ROM and put it to the root of an CD, insert the CD, power off and power on, if nothing happens try, holding CTRL + HOME at startup. I heard it could be up to 4-5 minutes to work, but i don't know for sure, cause i didn't do it because i have a friend that said if i could give him the original firmware he could rewrite my bios. I shipped it today so i think tomorrow i'll have an answer. I will update this post with the outcome, and if worked, with a fix. Cheers
//I just sow the first post was 01.2013, sorry for reviving this old post but i sow it had 8500 views, so maybe some others will be helped if we find a solution