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highest over clock setting from asus gtx 680 directCU II TOP

Level 7
Hi Guys,

Just wanting to know what you were able to acheive with a stable over lock on the asus gtx 680 directCU II TOP.
Please post your settings !

Level 10
highest I have taken my TOP to is 1550mhz and memory to 1850mhz.

I am hotwired though

Level 7
Thats heaps good, i wouldnt hot wire mine cause i'd have no idea what to do haha. what was your highest without hot wire? do u remember at all? and are you using stock coolers or water?

I'm using the stock fans with 2x 120mm fans feeding cool air from the outside in as an intake for the graphic card. im using MSI after burner aswell.

Level 10
without hotwiring, my oc wasn't all that good. I think I was able to go +20mhz that's it. but my card is boosting 1250mhz in stock form. so 1270mhz with the +20mhz. memory wise I she will do 1850mhz on stock volts.

Level 16
Yeah, that's true... the GTX680 DCII TOP won't OC to high from it's factory settings... - but don't forget that those factory settings are already one of the highest OC'd values in the market!

If you really want to see big differences in OC'ing, then you have to go at least hotwired... better will be with hotwired + watercooled...