10:26 AM
- last edited on
07:55 PM
08-08-2012 10:37 AM
08-08-2012 11:08 AM
HiVizMan wrote:
Well first of all I sincerely hope that the temperatures are wrong because if that is what they really are at idle you have a huge problem.
And I would not overclock at all, actually if they are real I would pull your water loop apart and start again, checking to see if any of the tubes are blocked or your pump is working.
Your system is easy to overclock in bios. ET6 is fine to use as once you use the advanced settings they are entered and saved in the BIOS.
The three buttons are OK, but really pretty wishy washy as an overclock goes for the CPU you have. BUT get your temps sorted out first.
08-08-2012 11:32 AM
Picasso wrote:
Well, according to coretemp, that is what they are...remember that is in Fahrenheit.
08-08-2012 11:32 AM
HiVizMan wrote:
Well first of all I sincerely hope that the temperatures are wrong because if that is what they really are at idle you have a huge problem.
08-08-2012 12:11 PM
xeromist wrote:
Note that he's got them displayed in F which isn't helping us any. But beyond that he's cooling both the already overclocked CPU and chipset on a single 120mm rad so perhaps temps in the 40's aren't so far off.
@Picasso - Can you please post your temps in C? You are only going to get confusion if you post them in an odd scale like that.
08-08-2012 12:23 PM
08-08-2012 12:32 PM
xeromist wrote:
Thanks 🙂
if you like the speed it's at but want it cooler you could try lowering the voltage. Often automated OC tools will pump more voltage than necessary to ensure stability but it will also make temps higher than they need to be. Or, if you are looking for more speed I would try upping the clocks until you get instability and then either increase the voltage (at the cost of increased temps) or back the clock down until it is stable at the set voltage.
08-08-2012 02:08 PM
Picasso wrote:
YOu said lower the voltage, but as you can see on my pics, there are alot of voltages to play with. If I remember anything from OC'n at all, the one I would want to adjust is the CPU Vcore correct? Assuming I am correct in my assumption lol, where would be a good mark to start with that? 1.125? More? Less?
08-09-2012 09:29 AM
xeromist wrote:
Correct, of the top 3 voltages the vcore is your main voltage. However the other two also contribute to stability so do not ignore them completely.
When decreasing voltage it's not as important but when increasing you want to make small steps. Increasing by large amounts can potentially cause damage if it does not shut off first. What increments does it allow you to change? Maybe consider .05 at a time?