I have a ROG G46VW I bought a few years ago. I made the mistake of not redoing the OS to WIn 7. (Have 10 now)
Works pretty well, but a few things bother me.
1) When I am browsing the internet and such, it is prone to maxing out memory or disk and sometimes CPU.
What could I be doing? usually 10 tabs or less, up 30.
I have a bunch of crap that keeps opening, like Cortana. I can't get it to stop opening.
What is System Interrups? Antimalware service executable? Windows shell experience host? Service Host: Local System (Network restricted 12)
I think someone who said they know what they are doing allocated data or ram or someting for that. I honestly don't remember what they did. How can I check my RAM and memory and CPU and compare to factory standards?
If I get better RAM, what is compatible? Will that help?
Also, sometimes the laptop will make this "Winding down" noise and then shut down instantly. What is that? Why?
A little about the PC
http://sta.sh/21frdpiuhvna?edit=1Any tips?