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Help!!! New Crosshair V Formula Z not posting. (No Video)

Level 7
Hello everyone,

I need some help with my new build. First, the hardware:

Motherboard: Asus Crosshair V Formula Z
CPU: AMD FX 8350
PSU: Corsair HX 750
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR3 (4x4GB)
Graphics: Sapphire HD 7850

So, my problem. I installed everything but I'm not getting any video on the monitor. I read somewhere that I had to update my BIOS. The board says that it's Rev. 1.01 so I downloaded the latest BIOS (1002) from the Asus site and renamed it to C5FZ.CAP. I formatted a USB drive (FAT32) and plugged that into the ROG Connect Port then pressed the ROG Connect button. I waited until the light stopped blinking and then unplugged the USB. Turned on the power and nothing. I should also mention that when I power up the computer, the CPU LED stays lit and the DRAM LED blinks. I'm at a lost at what to do.

As a side note, when I initially got all the parts and tried to set it up, I ran into the same problem. I thought that it might be a hardware problem. I got a new processor and motherboard. I also tried a different graphics card all to no avail.

If someone can offer some insight that can help me I would greatly appreciate the help.


Level 40
No video = try and different video card. 🙂
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
Hello everyone,

I wanted to thank all of you for your help in this matter. After all this time I finally managed to resolve it!

The issue turned out to be the CPU fan. It had a 3 pin header which causes to board to not recognize that there was a heatsink ( I think). Anyway, on a whim I tried the one that came with the CPU and everything worked.