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Help me Overclock maximus V extreme with 3770k

Level 7
Hello dear readers i am new at overclocking and want to ask how to overclock my comp...
specs are
asus maximus V extreme 3770k processor asus gtx 680 gtx dc2t corsair vengeance 1600 cl8 intel ssd 520 series hdd...
i will build a extreme cold cooling system so the heat will not gona be a problem...
i got few questions
1.)how high can i go with processor volt?
2.)if i need this machine for a game called combat arms its a FPS online game is it better to oc the ram's mhz or reduce the timing of the ram??(also how high can i go with the ram volt?_
3.)as i say i need this comp for this online game called combat arms i practiced that if u have better comp the game runs better thats why i want to oc...but cuz this game is not like BF3 who needs big data transfer i want my machine to be responsible as possible i hope u understand what i mean....
4.)do i need to mess with bclk ram ratio????
i really want to know for this game its better to reduce the ram timing or to boost up the Mhz...
if u have time to answer me and if u are 100% or at least 99% sure in your answer i will thank you if you can help me:(
also if you have something to tell me about OC and i didnt ask here those answers are pretty welcome too:)

Level 40
Hi there! 🙂

That seems like a lot of OCing if you don't know much about OCing:p;)

If I were you I'd start reading some of the OC guides in the stickies in the Maximus section.....They will be mostly applicable to your system even if they aren't exactly for your board.....The BIOS will be mostly the same...and the principles definitely will be.

Just make sure you have good cooling for both the CPU and VRM before you add any volts:)