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Haswell Vcore and VID values with 3rd party software

Level 7
So I have been overclocking my i5 4670K for a few months and I have nearly finilized my tweaks and settings for 4.6 GHz and 4.7 GHz OCs. There is an issue however with the core voltage and which aftermarket program represents it accurately. CPUz lists my core voltage exactly as I enter it in BIOS (Manual or Adaptive), although it does fluctuate as it should with Adaptive. For my 4.7 OC I am using 1.285V. The issue is with HWMonitor and HWInfo64 as they report my Vcore (or core voltage) as slightly higher 1.296V while stressing. The other issue is that this value fluctuates while in Manual mode, and I understood that the voltage should remain static. It also occasionally displays 0.000V for Vcore while idling. So I instead have been focusing on the VID values because they seem to behave like the core voltage should, and they match the CPUz Core Voltage values.

Is this a result of the software reading my Gryphon z87 board incorrectly? I have read that HWMonitor has had many compatibility issues with certain boards and processors. They are still offering updates for Ivy and Sandy compatibility to this date. So is the Vcore value accurate, or is it displaying the wrong values? Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated...

Level 40
Your vcore should never be static. Under load it is correct to at times increase - that would indicate your LLC is set quite high. More common is that vcore will drop under load, this is part of the Intel design feature vDroop that is built into all Intel processors.
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Level 7
Thanks man, BTW that Asus AI Suite 3 removal tool was a god send. I had issues with USB 3.0 and System Info and I couldn't uninstall them or update any of the built in programs in AI Suite. I really only use Thermal Radar and EZ Update. I ended up having to uninstall with Revo Uninstaller and then run the Removal Tool and CCleaner to start from scratch. What an ordeal, but I couldn't have done it without that tool. Thanks!

As far the extra voltage reading I use a level 1 LLC and I understood that LLC only effected VCCIN on Haswell. Maybe there is a built in LLC in the FIVR that automatically introduces extra voltage when it is stressed. The weird thing is that Vcore is sometimes displayed as 0.000V and then it jumps over my VID while stressing, even in Manual mode. The lower the OC the less it overshoots it. My 4.6 is 1.223V and it reads 1.232V while stressing. But 4.7 @ 1.285V fluctuates between 1.296V and 1.312V while stressing with AVX. I just don't know whether to believe the 1.285V in CPUz or the 1.312V displayed in Vcore in HWinfo and HWMonitor.

Level 40
CPUz and HWmonitor are written by the same bloke and have the same code. Me I trust Franck big time so go CPUz
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