Nice results for a days work and it sounds like you had some fun doing it. I think the temperatures you're seeing say that's as far as you can go with the CPU and cooling you have. I think my comments above hold -- delidding is the step you'd have to take for the next step of CPU speed.
Have you submitted that score and checked where you stand on the leaderboard? When you do, be sure to filter the standings to just Maximus to avoid comparing with 6-core quad RAM channel extreme editions.
Don't put too much effort into the OpenCL score. It's great for an Nvidia GPU, and about 20000 higher than mine. See the Realbench section of the forum for discussions on Nvidia's treatment of OpenCL. Another thread in that section discusses optimizing a system for benchmarks -- streamlining Windows, task priorities, etc. I think you'll get more out of that than from OpenCL.
The area I think needs most attention is RAM. I'm actually nervous about the RAM voltage you report. It has been said by Intel that RAM voltage over 1.65 is hazardous to Haswell health. With RAM rated for 2600MHz, I would expect it would need less than 1.65v when running at 2400MHz in the Realbench screenshot. My RAM is rated 2400 and runs at 2400 with 1.63volts with very tight timing. With relaxed timing, mine runs at 2400MHz with 1.56volts.
The ROG guide into RAM tuning and I learned much from it.
The screenshot says the core clock is 800MHz. That means speedstep (EIST) is on. You might get better performance, and consistency is more likely, with EIST disabled, turbo enabled and fully manual OC. The guide goes into that stuff, too.