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GM501 Speaker and mouspad stop working after undervolting

Level 7
I was undervolting my I7 8750H the other day to around -80mv. I did stress test for a while, nothing broke, so I opened and played BF 1. As soon as I was in game, the laptop reboot, I went back into Intel XTU to check and everything was back to default. However, the sound was not coming out of the speaker even though if I pluggin headphone in, I still hear music. Moudpad right click and left click dont work anymore, and touchpad sometimes work, sometime doesnt. Tried uninstall and reinstall drivers as well as doing a clean reset and recover windows from previous image, but they still didnt work. My window 10 was updated with 1803 version 3 days ago.

Level 7
Hi, came across this page while googling my own problems.
Just bought the gu501gm and was happy with everything except the high temps. installed XTU and tweaked to -60mv and while gaming I got a crash and a restart.
That's when the problem started,now ive no sound from laptop speakers (headphones are fine), everything is running perfect except this, cant seem to find any fixes out there.
Any info would be appreciated before I send this thing on a RMA(asus say its HW since a reset didn't fix the issue......any tips on do´s and don'ts for the RMA. Thanks

Level 7
Right just a quick update, ive managed to fix the problem. Turns out XTU is the culprit. After you undervolt and save profiles XTU somehow locks this in place, even after resetting...unistalling/reinstalling etc it just wouldn't stop or delete, I got rid of xtuservice in task manager by booting into safe mode and then stopping the service and then quickly deleting all trace of it in regedit and windows files(also removed all my rog software while I was at it). After that I re flashed the bios and the sound came back. Very happy man not to be sending my brand new laptop on a RMA from hell 🙂 Hope this can help others out.