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First time overclocking, currently running P95. now what?

Level 7
Hi all,

I just wanted some clarification on what to do with my Benchmark results from Prime95. I know I can compare them to other peoples benchmarks but how to I use my results to determin if I need to raise or lower voltages? Do
I just adjust voltages in a +- direction which gives me the best Prime95 timing results? What voltage increments should I use when adjusting? Is there any other benchmark , overclocking software I should use ?

I upgraded my gaming rig to a Maximus VII Hero MB + Devils Canyon 4690K + 2 X 4GB Gkill Sniper 1866. The cpu is watercooled and my case is a cutom Mountain Mods there are a lot of fans. I followed a basic tutorial which had me set to XMP, I synced all cores to 46 to start out with, and set my Min/Max CPU Cache ratios to 37.

Now one thing i noticed (just now as I look at CPU-Z) is that I am still only clocking at just 3.5Ghz. I think it said that during boot up as well thinking about it. What did I do or not do? It should be at 4.6 ghz with the above setting right? I kept my voltages at Auto...perhaps I need to set voltage to manual and raise this? I think there are a couple other voltage settings to like offset and adaptive???
I thought I read that 1.25-1.35 is a good starting point if I change to manual. I didn't raise it because I thought the board would adjust it by itself for best stability under the auto setting????

So this is how GREEN I am. Can someone point me in some sort of direction to help me better understand what I need to be doing?



Level 7
Boards do not ever do the best voltages they over volt past the needed voltages ur max cpu and cache voltage ahud be 1.40 volts for 24/7 use but for ur medium oc of 4500mhz u shudnt need more than 1.37v on cpu voltage try it with 1.30 cpu volt at 4600 nhz if it does get into windows try 1.31 volts then 1.32 oh and set ur cache voltages bk to auto u shud not be touching ur cache untill u got ur main cpu stable

Level 7
Oh and make sure u have good cooling and monitor ur cpu with real temp while u do this dont wanna fry ur cpu by good cooling i mean a good after market fan or all in one water cooling like the corsair h110i

Level 7
Btw in writing all this on a mobile @ bad grammer

Level 7
ok ill give it a try. I have a Mountain MODs UFO custom I have tons of fans, and the CPU is water cooled.

Heres a Noob question, in the maxumus VII hero bios, I set my CPU core voltage to Manual...but it will not let me input and change the voltage box??
