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Level 7
Hlw Guys,
1 month ago due to thunder storm my mobo got damaged and then I bought a B85 pro gamer. I was wandering if i can fix my old mobo using the new one as both have same LGA 1150.. Is it possible? Any advise will be appriciated 🙂 Thanks

Level 10
That's very strange, first time ever that I hear that a thunder storm has damaged a motherboard. This should be near impossible for this to happen, as all power supply have SCP and OVP which prevent further damage to your motherboard. I heard during thunderstorms that it's possible it the shock/static wave from the thunder storm may damage the PSU, but motherboard I've never ever heard of that happening.

Anyways I am by no means an expert in this area, just that this is the first time I heard about a thunderstorm damaging a motherboard.

If you already tested your motherboard with another PSU and other confirmed working parts, you should then return the motherboard to ASUS repair center for repair.

Level 14
Lightning strikes can easily overwhelm the protections built into PSUs.

I wouldn't trust any component which comes from a machine damaged by electrical surge. Anything could be broken, or dangling off the edge of breaking, even if it initially appears to be working fine. I don't like bad hardware, I don't like compromised hardware, once it escapes into other machinery there could be all sorts of time-wasting troubleshooting frustrations.

If lightning damages your electricals a lot then you should really invest in a battery UPS, maybe also an isolation transformer. And maybe install a hefty thyristor or arrester or something into your main electrical panel, lol. And tie a knot into each power cord (no substitute for real surge protection, but hey it can sometimes help and it's totally free).
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others." - Douglas Adams
