Hi guys,as I've mentioned in description,my laptop has the following stats:
Proc :i7 4700HQ 2.4 GHZ
VIdeo: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 M
Rams: 8 GB
Harddrive:500 gb.
Now,the problem is,since i bought the laptop,it's been a hell of a ride,between me trying to make all games work at decent framerate,and the laptop itself who has constantly rejecting into doing what I wanted to.
Now,speaking of cs go,i have all my settings set to low,and still the best fps i can get while not in combat,is 150(in flashes/smoke situation,it drops @ 50-60,which is not playable at all imo).
Yet again,i have all my settings put on high performance,V-Sync disabled,and all that stuff i've found on the web.Oddly enough,even if i put settings on high,or on low,the fps is the same,IT JUST DOESNT WANT TO INCREASE!
I'm using a 24" samsung monitor,with a 60 Hz only,but I've tested the game without the monitor plugged in,and the problem is still the same.
Not only in cs i have this problem,I barely could play low games,such as Bioshock Infinite,Battlefield 3,and so on.
I honestly have no idea what to do,or what the problem is,I also have a cooler,and the heating I dont think it's a problem.CPU temperatures are normal,I checked them.
Please,for the love of god and for the love of 1000E spent on this ♥♥♥♥ laptop,help me out with a solution,because this isn't how it's supposed to be.
Thanks in advance,