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brand New system with Asus board, instant problems :)

Level 8
I have a new system I assembled it all perfectly, latest bios installed and everything, it has an Asus MAXIMUS VIII IMPACT itx board.

Windows 7 was the operating system to be installed, at first I did get a couple of screens prompting me to go ahead with the install etc so that meant that I had the windows 7 bootable usb stick done correctly with the Asus tool etc, then when I seen that was going to work I just switched the system back off because I wanted a quick look in the bios before I went any further, so I powered it down with the on/off button on the case.. ((the Logitech wireless mouse and keyboard wont work on it obviously because windows 7 needs to be installed for that I imagine, I tried but nothing)).

So after that I kept trying to start it up and every time I was only getting the bootcode error on screen saying whatever it says, in other words I now couldnt get installing windows now 😞
I wish I would have just installed it first time man 😞 darn it !!!

So after about 20 tries with both a bootable usb stick (2 types) and an external dvd drive with same bootable image on dvd it still wouldnt work.

So I pressed the buttons at the back to clear bios etc etc etc blah blah blah and tried all that stuff and now I am just getting the asus main start screen telling me I need to enter setup (Bios) and thats it, I cant go in there as I dont have a keyboard and mouse so I just need to shut the system off again. (the main asus bios screen still says bios version 1202 which is the latest version).

It really beats me how it was working ok at first and now its like this, strange.

I have just ordered a new usb wired keyboard and wired mouse too, so I pick those up tomorrow from the shop.

Has anyone any ideas what I should try in the meantime if anything ???

Level 8
I meant to say, the pc is starting up, so there is power and the lights flashing etc and it takes me eventually to the static asus bios screen telling to enter setup obviously to change boot order or something like that but as I say, I cant get doing that as my wireless keyboard and mouse wont work, BUT, is there maybe a way to bypass the keyboard and go straight into the bios ?? I have found an old usb cabled mouse that still works, so thats ok but I dont know if a mouse on its own would be enough anyway, any ideas ?

Hi the wee man

Power off your pc, press and hold the clear cmos button on the back for 3 seconds and boot, see if you have a mouse and keyboard. If it still sticks on the enter bios screen, is the led showing code A2?

Your manual has all the codes listed and can point you in the direction of finding the problem, tell us what code it's showing please.

Nate152 wrote:
Hi the wee man

Power off your pc, press and hold the clear cmos button on the back and boot, see if you have a mouse and keyboard. If it still sticks on the enter bios screen, is the led showing code A2?

Your manual has all the codes listed and can point you in the direction of finding the problem.

thanks mate, it eventually settles on the 99 code.

But the main bios screen is telling me to press the keyboard buttons to go into bios and adjust some stuff but as I say because of the lack of the keyboard thats a no can do for at least tonight anyway until i pick up the wired keyboard and mouse from the shop tomorrow, well today now I guess.

Those two buttons at the back, what one is the clear cmos one ? one is lit up with nearly a full circular arrow thing glowing, the other is just below that, that has two half arrows in a circles and the word bios on it ??

I tried powering off and pressing both anyway and still got nowhere, lol 😞 nightnmare man 😞

Motherboard manual >>

You could try disconnecting your mouse and keyboard and boot and see if the led is still showing code 99. Code 99 can be the gpu area too but since you have display I too am leaning towards a usb device such as your mouse and keyboard.

Nate152 wrote:
You could try disconnecting your mouse and keyboard and boot and see if the led is still showing code 99. Code 99 can be the gpu area too but since you have display I too am leaning towards a usb device such as your mouse and keyboard.

tried it, just the same, straight to the asus bios main screen telling me to enter the setup/bios to recover the bios, so it looks like I am screwed until later when I get a corded keyboard eh ??

This is such a bummer as I could have installed windows and everything first time around and but then without thinking I quit out of that so that I could try and get into bios by just using the very old corded mouse I found in a drawer and after that I got the problems, mannnnnnn 😞 bummer

By the way the clear cmos button is the one with the green circular arrow, it resets the bios to defaults settings. 🙂

That's strange it worked when you first fired it up and now code 99, I'm still leaning towards your mouse and keyboard so yeah try one tomorrow as you mentioned and let us know if it works.

In your manual code 99 is "Super I/O Initialization." So while that doesn't tell you much you can search it and sometimes find a fix.

Level 8
super I/O, is that input/output ?? if so I havent got a clue what it could include, lol, just hope its nothing much trouble, hmmm 😞

I did press that clear cmos button yes, and the other one also whatver that does, lol, I was and am getting desperate but I guess I might as well forget it for tonight as it looks like I am going nowhere without a usb corded keyboard, darnnnn it man 😞

Yeah I understand perfectly, you got your new toy and can't play with it. I'm feeling pretty confident a corded mouse and keyboard will work.

I should have asked this too what mouse and wireless keyboard do you have you may have to update the firmware on them? Maybe not though if they were working.

Nate152 wrote:
Yeah I understand perfectly, you got your new toy and can't play with it. I'm feeling pretty confident a corded mouse and keyboard will work.

I should have asked this too what mouse and wireless keyboard do you have you may have to update the firmware on them? Maybe not though if they were working.

yeah I use them currently, logitech k750 wirless keyboard and logitech cordless anywhere mouse, both run with one of those tiny little unifying receiver things that i guess send and receives the signals, they work fine though, infact I am using them right now on this system here.