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Forum Posts

USB Transfer Speed

Hi,I don't know if i Posted this in the right forum, but...For some reason my computer's USB transfer speeds are ABSURDLY slow. Like, 60 -120 KB/second slow... It took my PC 15 minutes to transfer 121 MB! My system specs are in my signature.Any help...

4Strings by Level 10
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Computer Keeps Restarting!!!

I can't seem to figure out why my computer keeps restarting. It will do it on idle and in games.It just does it random, black screen pops up and then it boots back up as if i clicked the restart button. Is there any way for me to figure this out ? I ...

Sindorei by Level 7
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How Did I change the number 0 &1 memory Modules on G75VW

Greetings to all,I was wondering if anyone could help me find find out how to change the memory modules in Slots 0 & 1in my G75VW.Also would anyone know of a HQL for the memory. The owners manual says to make sure to install the correct type. But I c...

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P8H61 memory support

I'm going to buy a new PC soon, and as motherboard I have chosen the P8H61 (plain version). I want to have 8 GB of memory, but I might want to add another 8 GB later. The only problem is that is I would now buy 2x4 GB, I'll have to buy 2x8 GB memory ...

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ROG CPUZ now available!

hey guys,Now that Maximus IV Extreme has launched ROG CPUZ is now publicly available! ENJOY!Download HEREScreenshots of the skin

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Motherboards varients

I keep seeing three different varients of motherboards that ROG makes, and I can figure out what the difference is between most of the varients. For a gaming PC noob, what is better the Maximus V Gene or Fomula, and what makes the fomula different th...

Temperature AI Suite II

I found that the temperature at AI Suite II is allmost 20 degrees celcius lower then when i measure it with Realtemp of Fanspeed..How is this possible?

Mother Of God... GTX 670 SLI

Before these cards my highest 3dmark11 score was like 78xx with 6870 X fire and clocking off a 20K GPU score is just amazing. In BF3 on Ultra at 1920X1080 with 4X MSAA i pull between 120-150fps. Absolutely astonishing. http://3dmark.com/3dm11/3646678

maximus III gene

well, since um new here, i need someone to help me OC my cpu on this mb... WIN7 ULTIMATE SP1 X64, i got i 870 2.93Ghz. maximus III gene, ENGTX560 DCII TOP/2DI/1GD5, twinmos 2X4=8GB DDR3, WD CB 1TB... Tt SP 750watts, Tt Frio OCK.......... turbo booste...