11-20-2022 12:30 PM
11-24-2022 02:50 PM
11-25-2022 06:59 PM
EricJT wrote:
I recently installed an Asus ROG Strix 790-e and an i9-13900K. I read about undervolting with Intel's XTU because I would like to get the temps down (90C) when running Cinebench R23. I tried Intel's XTU but when I went to incrementally undervolt the core voltage, the software said I didn't have Dogwatch Timer installed and if the change caused the system to crash, XTU would not be able to reboot to the last base core voltage.
I searched for other users who had the same experience and came up dry.....I do have the latest version of XTU installed anbd all of the current ASUS drivers and BIOS.
Is there a simple "how to" guide available as to undervolting the CPU in the Asus BIOS? I am not an avid gamer, but rather use my system for video editing (4K) and photography (RAW). TBH, I know enough about changing the BIOS but probably not sufficient to not cause myself a problem trying to undervolt the CPU in BIOS.
Suggestions? TIA.
11-28-2022 07:49 PM
05-22-2023 07:16 PM
negative offset of what though? i see 50 different settings with v or voltage in them, but nothing labelled CPU voltage, or vCPU, so i have no idea which of the dozen voltages im supposed to offset?
05-22-2023 10:09 PM
It’s found beneath Additional Turbo Mode CPU Core Voltage in the Extreme Tweaker menu. Simply type “Offset Voltage” into the search function if you’re unable to find it. You’ll need to change the offset mode sign to negative also.
07-07-2023 07:44 PM
- offset of the Global core SVId voltage. You will put it on adaptive mode, and then start from there. I started with .08, and ended up at .11 with a stable system. I am going to do a write up to help people because I could not find much info.
09-25-2023 12:19 PM
Did you ever do a write up, i would love how to just under volt in asus bios, aint got a clue what to chanage, thx
09-25-2023 12:22 PM
I did do a write up