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Asus Maximus VI Hero Issue - Need advice dont know what to do

Level 7
Hello all,

I completed a new comp build with the following components:

Fractal R4 white
i5 4670k
Dark rock Pro 2 cpu cooler
Maximus VI Hero motherboard
Asus gtx770 DCII gpu
120 gb ssd and 1tb hdd
Seasonic g750 psu
Ballistic 16gb ram
Asus MX239H monitor

First I had a msi z87-g45 mobo, but since this did not work out great I decided to go with the asus mobo, and I am not disapointed of the quality, much better then the msi one. I completed my build yesterday evening and didnt had time to install windows yet, but two things I noticed:

1. Led from power button goes on and then blinks and goes off, but everything starts up fine. Maybe loose connection ill check that to be sure when I get home.
2. When the mobo is turned of the red light keep on, this is normal I read on forums. U can only have the option always on or always off. But what bothers me is the fact that when I turn the pc off, I get a high pitched whine. One thing that I did not had when I had the msi mobo. So I am thinking it must be the mobo. Is this something that has to do with powering the red leds that stay on? When I turn my psu switch off the whining goes away, and when I switched the psu on this morning the lights stayed off and no whine at that moment.

Since I just got it yesterday I can switch the mobo for a new one easily, just need to know if this might be a faulty mobo or not. I note, just to be sure, that I did not install windows yet, well I do have it isntalled but need to reinstall for the new mobo. But I havent went into windows yet just into the bios mode. Since I did not had time yesterday evening to reinstall all. When I get home I do want to start finsihing the install, but just to be sure I post it on this forum. That what it is here for after all right :). Before I waste any time if this turns out the be a faulty bord.

This is a quick post from my work so I am sorry if I left any info out or mistyped some stuff.

Thank you all in advance for your help!


Level 7
RickH89 wrote:
Hello all,

I completed a new comp build with the following components:

Fractal R4 white
i5 4670k
Dark rock Pro 2 cpu cooler
Maximus VI Hero motherboard
Asus gtx770 DCII gpu
120 gb ssd and 1tb hdd
Seasonic g750 psu
Ballistic 16gb ram
Asus MX239H monitor

First I had a msi z87-g45 mobo, but since this did not work out great I decided to go with the asus mobo, and I am not disapointed of the quality, much better then the msi one. I completed my build yesterday evening and didnt had time to install windows yet, but two things I noticed:

1. Led from power button goes on and then blinks and goes off, but everything starts up fine. Maybe loose connection ill check that to be sure when I get home.
2. When the mobo is turned of the red light keep on, this is normal I read on forums. U can only have the option always on or always off. But what bothers me is the fact that when I turn the pc off, I get a high pitched whine. One thing that I did not had when I had the msi mobo. So I am thinking it must be the mobo. Is this something that has to do with powering the red leds that stay on? When I turn my psu switch off the whining goes away, and when I switched the psu on this morning the lights stayed off and no whine at that moment.

Since I just got it yesterday I can switch the mobo for a new one easily, just need to know if this might be a faulty mobo or not. I note, just to be sure, that I did not install windows yet, well I do have it isntalled but need to reinstall for the new mobo. But I havent went into windows yet just into the bios mode. Since I did not had time yesterday evening to reinstall all. When I get home I do want to start finsihing the install, but just to be sure I post it on this forum. That what it is here for after all right :). Before I waste any time if this turns out the be a faulty bord.

This is a quick post from my work so I am sorry if I left any info out or mistyped some stuff.

Thank you all in advance for your help!



While your MB could be the problem, your PSU or video card may also whine. I have read on another forum that I attend that people that purchased PSU's and cards complain about whining and some of those are brand new out of the box components. It happens. If you have spare parts other than the MB you could try a swap and see if that changes anything before changing the MB.

Good luck.

The only strang thing is that I did not had the whining with my msi z87-g45. One strange thing tough: The whine is only there when the pc is turned off. Turn the pc on and the whine is gone.

Level 7
Hello all,

I have already posted this in another part of the forum but realised that this is probably the right part to place it so i'll just post it here to be sure. Can close the other one then if needed.

I completed a new comp build with the following components:

Fractal R4 white
i5 4670k
Dark rock Pro 2 cpu cooler
Maximus VI Hero motherboard
Asus gtx770 DCII gpu
120 gb ssd and 1tb hdd
Seasonic g750 psu
Ballistic 16gb ram
Asus MX239H monitor

First I had a msi z87-g45 mobo, but since this did not work out great I decided to go with the asus mobo, and I am not disapointed of the quality, much better then the msi one. I completed my build yesterday evening and didnt had time to install windows yet, but two things I noticed:

1. Led from power button goes on and then blinks and goes off, but everything starts up fine. Maybe loose connection ill check that to be sure when I get home.
2. When the mobo is turned of the red light keep on, this is normal I read on forums. U can only have the option always on or always off. But what bothers me is the fact that when I turn the pc off, I get a high pitched whine. One thing that I did not had when I had the msi mobo. So I am thinking it must be the mobo, since the rest of the components are still the same. Is this something that has to do with powering the red leds that stay on? When I turn my psu switch off the whining goes away, and when I switched the psu on this morning the lights stayed off and no whine at that moment. So it must have something to do with powering something and my guess was the mobo?

Since I just got it yesterday I can switch the mobo for a new one easily, just need to know if this might be a faulty mobo or not. Could it be software conflicting since I still have the software from msi on my ssd? I note, just to be sure, that I did not install windows yet, well I do have it isntalled but need to reinstall for the new mobo. But I havent went into windows yet just into the bios mode. Since I did not had time yesterday evening to reinstall.

At the moment I just came home from work, I would like to start reinstall windows but if this is a faulty bord I rather wait and get my new board first. I just can't wait to start learning how to overclock.

What do you experts think hehe? 😄

Thank you all in advance for your help!


Hi RickH89 🙂

Something sounds dodgy to me....the sound coming from board or PSU? If definitely board and coupled with the weird led off/on business...well I'd try a different PSU to make sure it's not dodgy power supply and if it's the same return the board.

The LED under the start button should be on always when the PSU is not switched off (and ErP is not set on in BIOS) far as I least that's what it's like on my board. Only goes off after the PSU has been switched off and the power drains away...

Hello Arne Saknussemm,

Well in the other thread I did had replies already, seems I did post it in the right section after all, but I found out it is the PSU making the noise. Tough its strange since when I had the other board it did not make the same noise. Now it could be according to another member that the switch to another board was badly handled by the PSU.

I fixed the led on/off thingy, that was my own fault with the - and + connectors, stupid me hehe ^^

Now I'm at the point wether to decide to only change the psu, or just to be sure exchange both for new ones, to make sure I'm not ending up with the same problem. This mostly because I have read some other threads were people keep changing the psu and the noise continues.

Wich PSU would you recommend, would a corsair rm750 be better than the seasonic g750?

Two threads is a bad idea, causes confusion. I will move this to the other.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Chino wrote:
Can you pinpoint exactly where the whine is coming from?

.Just started up pc without reinstalling seems to work good even tough other mobo was a msi one....doesn't matter it seems? Atleast for software it does offcourse but for testing it does not?

But come psu is making the damn sound, it also there when having everything powered on. Not that present that you can hear it really good when its standing at like 1 feet away, but annyoing and especially when room is quieter than now since were cooking to :P, and when its turned off it still makes the sound. But the other strange thing power led light on the fractal r4 case keeps blinking. It starts up all red like it is supposed to be, and after a second or 3 its start blinking and never comes back fully on. I get the code A0 so mobo does see everything like it is supposed to......Atleast as far as my knowledge goes at the moment.

The strange thing still is that with the other mobo all was right and not this sound, just a little buzz when you had your ear next to it from powering. Can it still be a mobo problem with a bad connection somewhere or capacitors? Maybe I sound stupid right now but I am just thinking out loud hehe. Just want it solved, since replacing the mobo is no problem, can have a new one in 3-4 days while still using this one till that one arrives. So can start installing software already and stuff, and reinstall windows to fit perfectly with the asus hero. Do not know if that helps, but the led power light really bothers me since that just has to be a mobo problem right? It is connected to the mobo with that thingy where you plug all the stuff in, no idea how to call that thing, all in one connector seems right haha :P.

Will wait patiently for your response 🙂 Thx for having interest in my post and taking time to help, same goes for whiskers. 🙂

And if it seems like the led is mobo problem, and psu just compatibility, so be it ill order a new psu to or rma, since im still under the 14 day azerty warranty, and there service is flawless so....

RickH89 wrote:
.Just started up pc without reinstalling seems to work good even tough other mobo was a msi one....doesn't matter it seems? Atleast for software it does offcourse but for testing it does not?

For testing it's fine but not for daily use, of course. The BSODs will come eventually. LOL

RickH89 wrote:
But come psu is making the damn sound, it also there when having everything powered on. Not that present that you can hear it really good when its standing at like 1 feet away, but annyoing and especially when room is quieter than now since were cooking to :P, and when its turned off it still makes the sound.

How old is the Seasonic PSU? And do you have another PSU to test with?

RickH89 wrote:
But the other strange thing power led light on the fractal r4 case keeps blinking. It starts up all red like it is supposed to be, and after a second or 3 its start blinking and never comes back fully on. I get the code A0 so mobo does see everything like it is supposed to......Atleast as far as my knowledge goes at the moment.

Please verify that you've connected the power LED connector to the System Panel connector correctly. Sometimes inverting the cables or connecting them to the wrong header can cause this. As for the A0 QCODE, it just means that control has been passed over to the OS. Nothing to worry about.

RickH89 wrote:

It is connected to the mobo with that thingy where you plug all the stuff in, no idea how to call that thing, all in one connector seems right haha :P.

System Panel Q-Connector. LOL Fancy name, heh?