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Asus Maximus VI Gene with Vengence PRO -Code 55 [Memory not installed]

Level 7
As the tile says: I get code 55 with my pair of Vengence PRO [CMY16GX3M2A1600C9].
BUT only when trying to use the A channels for some reason.
I can stick both memories into B1 and B2 and boot with 16 GB RAM, no Issues at all.
But as soon as I put a memory into either of A1 or A2 I get Error 55 and no boot.

Any reason for this behavior? I've looked around in the BIOS and tried to disable the channels back and fourth, but still. No function on the A-Channel.

|Chassi:Temjin TJ08B-E


|CPU: i7-4770K @ 3,50GHz

|RAM:16GB 1600mhz Corsair Vengeance Pro Black

|GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX780

|PSU: Corsair AX860

|SystemDrive: Intel 520 240GB

|HDD1:WD Red 3TB

|Monitor: LG IPS277L


Level 40
I have seen that myself many many times.

Things I did to sort it out included,

Remove the CPU and make sure that I had applied equal pressure when fastening.

Clear CMOS and use one stick of ram - manually set the timing and volts if 1.65 I would enter 1.66 always one notch more than the spec.

Thing is this a real pain but if you can not get it sorted RMA now or you will have a world of pain.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

So, is it wrong with the Board? Or is is the way I put the PC together?

|Chassi:Temjin TJ08B-E


|CPU: i7-4770K @ 3,50GHz

|RAM:16GB 1600mhz Corsair Vengeance Pro Black

|GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX780

|PSU: Corsair AX860

|SystemDrive: Intel 520 240GB

|HDD1:WD Red 3TB

|Monitor: LG IPS277L

HiVizMan wrote:
I have seen that myself many many times.

Things I did to sort it out included,

Remove the CPU and make sure that I had applied equal pressure when fastening.

Clear CMOS and use one stick of ram - manually set the timing and volts if 1.65 I would enter 1.66 always one notch more than the spec.

Thing is this a real pain but if you can not get it sorted RMA now or you will have a world of pain.

Tried all the things, disassembled my computer, re-assembled, made even pressure[as hard as that was with stock cooler], then tried everything. I simply can not get the A-channel to work... I'm gonna return it to store when Midsummer is over [I live in Sweden so stores are closed]

|Chassi:Temjin TJ08B-E


|CPU: i7-4770K @ 3,50GHz

|RAM:16GB 1600mhz Corsair Vengeance Pro Black

|GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX780

|PSU: Corsair AX860

|SystemDrive: Intel 520 240GB

|HDD1:WD Red 3TB

|Monitor: LG IPS277L

Level 40
If those things did not help then yes RMA time.

Sorry to see you have this hassle better to get a new board that does not give you problems.

And no it is nothing that you did. It is just how your CPU and your board did not get along. That is all.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

HiVizMan wrote:
If those things did not help then yes RMA time.

Sorry to see you have this hassle better to get a new board that does not give you problems.

And no it is nothing that you did. It is just how your CPU and your board did not get along. That is all.

Hello again.. So after a few weeks I've taken my MoBo into the store and had it tested/RMA. To my great fear, he could boot without any problems what so ever in all slots using a few different sticks...

Went home, tried useing my sticks and still E55

So what the fudge?

I also tried today to flash 0615 onto my board hoping that would fix the issue...
But nope. Still E55 when trying to use my Vengence PRO on my A channel...

|Chassi:Temjin TJ08B-E


|CPU: i7-4770K @ 3,50GHz

|RAM:16GB 1600mhz Corsair Vengeance Pro Black

|GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX780

|PSU: Corsair AX860

|SystemDrive: Intel 520 240GB

|HDD1:WD Red 3TB

|Monitor: LG IPS277L

Level 40
OK so it seems it is very much a memory compatibility issue. WOW quite surprised as those sticks are new on the market.

Options are to swap your ram out? If possible....
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
I agree... This sucks.. they are advertised as "gen 3 and 4" compatible.. so I'm quite upset about that.. thing is that the store wont take them back because I've broken the seal and used them. All he said was "wait for next BIOS update, they might become compatible in the future".. bought thesticks for ~130 GBP so.. sucks hard if I just gonna put them on a shelf and buys some other ones..

|Chassi:Temjin TJ08B-E


|CPU: i7-4770K @ 3,50GHz

|RAM:16GB 1600mhz Corsair Vengeance Pro Black

|GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX780

|PSU: Corsair AX860

|SystemDrive: Intel 520 240GB

|HDD1:WD Red 3TB

|Monitor: LG IPS277L

Level 40
Where did you buy the sticks, in the UK or ?
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

nah, Sweden. Currency Converter FTW 😉 saw you were from London so.. I figured...
How ever.. QVL - DRAM QVL Updated @ 2013.06.03 has CMY16GX3M2A2133C11R in there!!
DDR32933 of my memory's family...

So I don't get why 1600 wouldn't work..

|Chassi:Temjin TJ08B-E


|CPU: i7-4770K @ 3,50GHz

|RAM:16GB 1600mhz Corsair Vengeance Pro Black

|GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX780

|PSU: Corsair AX860

|SystemDrive: Intel 520 240GB

|HDD1:WD Red 3TB

|Monitor: LG IPS277L