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Asus Maximus VI Gene problem

Level 7
Hi everybody!

I just recently bought a M6G As said in the title, whenever i try to install Windows it goes to bluescreen during the Windows animation, and some times it just shows code 55 ( ram error ) and wont even post, i'm not sure what to do by now.

I have 2 ram sticks and I've tried using them 1 at the time each in channel 1-4 and there they worked fine but whenever I ran them in dual channel they just sometime shows the code 55 again,mand whenever that won't show it just post as normal and starts to boot windows but when the animation comes it just goes to blue screen and restarts.

I don't have any other ram to try with, and I also tried enabling XMP ( extreme memory profile) in the bios and that doesn't help either.

I've even tried taking apart the pc and putting it back together 3 times without any luck.

And I've tried 3 different hard drives and they worked fine with my other pc but not with this one, it still goes to blue screen.

And last I've tried to update the bios, clear CMOS and mem ok button and that won't help either.

It occasionally shows the CPU led.

What can I do?
Please help me, -abgersaurus

System specs

CPU: i7 4770K
Motherboard: as us Maximus VI Gene
GPU: GTX 680 Direct CU II
RAM: Corsair vengeance 1600 mHz 2 x 4GB
PSU: Corsair AX1200i
SSD: Corsair GT 120 GB
CD drive: none
CPU cooler: Swiftech h220

It shows:
Wall time. Cached. Rsvdmem. MemMap. Cache. Ecc. Tests. Pass. Errors. Ecc errs.
1:06:55.......4034M..... 4756K........e820...... On......Off.....Std...... 0....4640000. ...... 0

If that's any help 🙂

Abgersaurus wrote:
It shows:
Wall time. Cached. Rsvdmem. MemMap. Cache. Ecc. Tests. Pass. Errors. Ecc errs.
1:06:55.......4034M..... 4756K........e820...... On......Off.....Std...... 0....4640000. ...... 0

If that's any help 🙂

Ok. With only that memory stick, can you do a fresh installation of Windows for us?

Report back if it BSODs during the process. And if so, when.

I tried reinstalling windows but while it's installing it goes BSOD

Abgersaurus wrote:
It shows:
Wall time. Cached. Rsvdmem. MemMap. Cache. Ecc. Tests. Pass. Errors. Ecc errs.
1:06:55.......4034M..... 4756K........e820...... On......Off.....Std...... 0....4640000. ...... 0

If that's any help 🙂

Your RAM is defective. 4640000 is a lot of errors. Now switch this stick out and switch in the other 4GB module and run Memtest86+ on that one too.

And please make sure you've cleared your BIOS so that your RAM is running at its SPD speed.

Report back with your results for the other stick.

I just switched to the other stick but now the pc won't even start, it turns on for 1 second and then turns itself off again and then it restarts and repeat itself until I turn the power off completely 😞

Abgersaurus wrote:
I just switched to the other stick but now the pc won't even start, it turns on for 1 second and then turns itself off again and then it restarts and repeat itself until I turn the power off completely 😞

Ok now i'm running a Memtest with the second ram stick I will keep you guys updated

It shows:
Wall time. Cached. Rsvdmem. MemMap. Cache. Ecc. Tests. Pass. Errors. Ecc errs.
1:06:55. 4034M. 4756K. e820. On. Off. Std. 0. 4640000. 0

If that's any help

Level 10
Stick looks good. Maybe try changing the SATA to ide then if you are able to log into Windows, run regedit. Once yur registry editor comes up, in Windows 7 locate - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Msahci

In the right window pane, right click on Start and click modify. What is the value in the window? If it is "3" then set it to "0".

Now locate - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\IastorV

In the right window pane, right click on Start and click modify. What is the value in the window? If it is "3" then set it to "0" as well.

If you are using Windows 8, do the following.

1. Click the Restart button with Shift key and follow the prompts for "Advanced Options" through several screens. Eventually, you end up at a screen that tells you upon reboot you will be able to so many things including starting in Safe Mode. The only button will be a "Restart" button on this screen.

2. Reboot. BEFORE Windows starts, enter BIOS setup.

3. Change the SATA mode in BIOS to: AHCI

4. Boot into Windows. Step 1 configured Windows to ask you what type of boot options you would like to use. #4 is Safe Mode. This will get the proper drivers for the BIOD setting loaded on the system, into memory, and the registry configured correctly for you. No other configuration is required.

5. Reboot Windows in normal mode. Windows will use the configuration that it automatically self-fixed in step 4.

Hope this helps.

I appreciate your help but as mentioned I cant even boot windows up at the moment, I goes BSOD when the windows animation starts, I guess I then just have to send it in for an RMA then 😞

Level 10
Try changing the ACHI to ide and see if it can boot into Windows?