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Asus Maximus Hero X Cold Boot Issue

Level 7

After days of digging around I have found out that the boot issue on my motherboard is something to to do with Erp settings. However, I have already disabled Erp ready in the bios and the issue still occurs. Of my system turning on for a second or two and then it shutting down and then automactically booting into windows. I have read something about S4 and S5 power settings but apparently that what causes the issue. But in recent testing I have found that If i set my ram speeds to auto and not 3000Mhz it boots perfectly fine without any issues or double booting. Could this be a motherboard issue, RAM or CPU issue??? I am super confussed and the
a week of research has not helped just want a solution. I have my pc in a UPS and this is powered down each night. So this issue is starting to become a pain.


Hello MrVonGrumble

Seems like it's ram instability if all is well at default settings.

Try setting your ram manually with...

CPU VCCIO voltage - 1.15v
CPU System Agent voltage - 1.15v

How does it boot ?

Its nothing major for some reason my hero x with 8086k defaults my dram voltage to 1.5v is that normal at default settings?

Level 7
Yeah same issue I hate having my ram at 2133 coz thats the only thing that is currently stable. I will buy some different RAM and put it in my rig see if that cures it.

No, Dram at 1.50v at defaults is not normal, should be 1.20v.

Could try connecting straight to a wall socket to test.

List your complete pc specs.

Level 7
Its nothing major for some reason my hero x with 8086k defaults my dram voltage to 1.5v is that normal at default settings?