Automatic overclocking is garbage steer clear of that mess. Start with your CPU first. Set memory to default.
Slowly raise your multiplier until its not stable then add voltage. lather rinse repeat. To have it working where it set the speed and voltage needs to have intel speed step and turbo boost enabled but get it to where you want it first and worry about that later. You will probably need to increase your VCCIN and VCCSO to get max results. Set power limts to max which is 4095 for long and short. leave the rest of that page alone. Start with LLC of 4 and 140% on the CPU and everything else that you can set on that page. You dont need to set anything to extreme, optimized is fine. Disable the ASUS smart boost on the first page, right under the ram XMP setting maybe one or two down. Dont mess with the water cooled AI crap. leave that at default. AI has never worked correctly for me either. I gave up on that long ago.
What chip are you using? The VID table of the chip will dictate whether or not you can use adaptive voltage or have to use a static Vcore. Adaptive has to be higher than the chips VID table.
If you are not comfortable with going under water you will never reach the full potential. The chips like to be cool to get the best OC. Not saying you wont see some improvement but dont excpect what you see some other users post up that are liquid cooled. Dont bother with an AIO. It wont get you any farther than air, just maybe a little quieter but the thermals wont be any better. So if you decide to go to liquid skip the waste of money on an AIO. You can get decent that will certainly cost you more but worth every penny and as a first timer Id suggest flexible tubing over hard line. Its more forgiving. Only reason Im any good at Hardline is way back when I was a master electrician and good at bending conduit. Its all geometry.
My 18 core machine with two 2080Tis overclocked to 5.1GHz all 18 cores. The Vcore is static because the VID table is too high on the 10980XE but the clocks cycle up and down with load.