I have an g55v (
http://www.asus.com/ROG_ROG/G55VW/#specifications) whit the Intel® Core™ i7 3610QM Processor.
And i wonder if its possible to enable secureboot in bios? i cant find it any where.
And question nr two.
Ive installed windows 8.1 on my asus and hade som problem so i needed to totaly reinstall it, i there by lost GPT partion install,
i now ordered an recovery cd from asus. is it possble to chose to install windows from the cd to GPT? ore do i need to change
the partion format by my self?
And question nr 3. UEFI, how can i see that i have that? i cant find it in bios. And if i dont have it. can i intall it?
I dunno if i posted this on the right place?