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Asus Crosshair V Formula-z - Bunch of random issues happening frequently.

Level 7
Asus Crosshair V Formula-z - Bunch of random issues happening frequently.
Hello everyone! I got this motherboard a good week ago, when i upgraded most of my hardware components, unfortunately, it seems like I have had nothing but issues so far. I dont exactly know what the issues are though, as it looks like alot of random ones are happening. I'll explain them as good as I can, but first, heres my hardware specs:

Asus Crosshair V Formula-z
Amd FX8350
Cooler Master Seidon 240xl water cooler
4 x 4gb Kingston ram: DR3 1600M Kingston HyperX Grey - Believe this is the model: KHX1600C9D3X2K2/8GX
800W Corsair GS CMPSU-800GEU 140mm
KINGSTON 64GB SSDNow V100 Sata2 2.5
1TB Samsung F3 SpinPoint 7200rpm 32MB SATA2
ATI 7950

Alright. Now for the issues:
- Ever since i installed this board, and set all my hardware into the computer, I've had issues. Day 1 started off with no monitors displaying any signal. Troubleshooted that here on the site by searching around, and reseated the ram properly, that then ended up working. Then when i turned on Windows and it seemed to work, the computer would only use 7.9 gb ram out of 16gb (said so in system specs) - BIOS registered all the ram though. I tried reseating the ram again, and that randomly got solved (not sure why, because what i did was the same thing as before - probably hadnt pushed it all the way in).

Okay, thats the issues for day 1.
- Day2-4 became even more frustrating. The computer would randomly restart for no reason, or it would freeze. Infact, it freezes everytime i get to Windows logon screen, IF I DONT move my mouse right away. Thats not normal, even I know that. The motherboard will also randomly do a high beep when ever its turned on and what not (fan issues?), which im thinking has something to do with Fans? Its not a bios code thingy, it just does one short beep, while im in windows.

Another thing i find weird is, that when i turn on the computer, it stands still at the ROG logo where you can enter bios and what not, and it just hangs there like the system isnt properly running (error codes flash around here - is it some kind of check up?), when ever my fans pick up, itll start booting up to windows etc. That can take anywhere from 5-10 seconds usually.

I fought with those problems for quite some time. I tried a different brand of Ram, tried a different PSU (also a 800W), installed another windows 7 version, installed windows 8 aswell (ofc formatted prior versions - clean install) to see if it was my windows CD being faulty, but i had the same issues. Memtest has already been done, and did 2 cycles without any errors at all. Ram also works fine on my other comp and at this point, im not sure what the issue is. I havent OC'd anything, and BIOS is as normal. Ive tried flashing it to the latest version, clearing CMOS, loading optimized default - didnt change anything.

One thing I've noticed is, that a bunch of Error codes appear on the LED panel on the mobo. One that is constantly showing is AA. While booting up the comp, itll flash between alot of various ones. I noticed FF, 6A and 59 or something i believe.

Anyway, if i get into windows as i nearly always do, itll have a few freezes now and then if im unlucky (had 2 the past 3 hours - and 0 yesterday), other then that, itll work fine.

However, I dont believe this is "normal" at all, so im really wondering if i got a bricked board or anything? When installing all the components, i used a bracelet against static electricity (not sure what you call these in english), so i dont believe ive ended up shocking anything. But yea, has anyone heard of these issues? Know of a fix? Have some suggestions? Perhaps able to direct me towards fixing it? Then id be insanely greatfull.

It's my first Rog series motherboard, and so far - I havent exactly been happy about the board. If nothing can be done, im afraid id have to ship it back and get a new one, and due to Danish customs, thatll take more then a month. So yea, id rather have it solved x)

Thanks for the long read, René

Edit1: I randomly just moved my case a bit (5 cm to the right lol) and my windows froze again..

Level 18
Welcome to ROG Shikizu ..

OK .. wow .. let's see if we can sort through this.
First the numbers on the led flashing around is just the board doing what it is suppose to do. booting.
It is only if it stop that the number tell you where it stopped .. these, in my understanding are not errors on the fly,
but booting...
Then freezing as the logo spinning up .. thats about where the video card is getting in the act ..
two things come to mind here ... what version drivers are you using and did you completely uninstall
the last set before loading the next ? (if you did.)
And, which slot is the card in ? did you try 1 and 3 ?

other questions that come to mind are:
What bios version ? This is usually found with the serial number sticker ... on a pci-e lane, some are on the
Have you set the memory profile in the bios ? Did you set it to T2 or try setting [read to read] to 5 ?

does it always hang in the same spot ? when the logo is spinning up ?? or is it hanging back trying to
decide where the os is ?? are a few other questions that come to mind.

The board works .. or you wouldn't be getting in once and working fine .. it is something quirky that
should be able to work out ..
hang in there .. more questions now than answers .. but it will sort. c.

Level 40
Please list your OS model.
Was it a new clean install of OS.
List all hardware used and connected to the PC please.

The WIndows 7 spinning logo is the point of hand over from the POST process to the AHCI controller. This is the point where your OC if any happens to kick in, if you have any weaknesses in your OC it is at this point that issues with hardware (VGA or HDD's) can be detected.

Try booting up with only your OS hard drive connected.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
The hardware thats currently in it, is everything i listed up there in the specs. I also have Asus Dvd drive connected, unaware what the model number is, and cant find it. Also have a "old" 500gb seagate hdd, not sure what the model is either. I just tried disconnecting the dvd drive + other hdd but the windows one, and that gave no changes at all.

The OS is a fairly old one i believe, build 7600 of Windows 7 Ultimate.
Bios version is the latest one, so is all the drivers for everything (didnt use provided CD/Dvd to install any drivers, got the latest ones for everything through official websites).

Im quite sure the windows cd i used to install with, is a good two years old, or atleast around that.

To clarify here, it isnt at the windows logo it hangs, its at the Asus ROG logo when you power it on. It hangs for a few secs, usually 5-10, sometimes longer. It kinda starts "booting" up once the fans start kicking in (the ones connected to a fan controller).

The ram was automatically set to T2 when i updated bios and cleared cmos. Not sure about the read to read (where do i find that setting in the bios?).

Nothing is currently OC'd on the rig, as i wanted to figure out if it was a OC issue, which it turned out not to be.

Most of the things you suggested, I've already tried.

Im wondering if it could be connected to the fan-controller, eventho that seems odd?

Edit: Set the Read to Read to 5 and restarted. Went fine on first restart, did a second restart, and it all hang on the ROG screen (where you enter BIOS). Now, this time it was even more odd. It started showing white pixels on the screen, and didnt load at all. The mobo started beeping, like in a non-stop way, with "long" beeps. Im quite sure that wasnt a beep code but more a hardware related one?

I tried reseating the graphics card in the 2nd port (was in 1. one till now), and it looks like it still has the same issues as before.

Level 40
Mate could you please tell me what keyboard, mouse or USB devices you might have attached to your system I apologise for not being as clear as I should have been in my request for information.

Often what you are describing is the BIOS trying to make sense of the USB connections, or a some other hardware.

The VGA stuff is a huge concern. If you look at the two digit q-code during the POST process what numbers does it stick on for some time?
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

USB Connections:
Logitech g510 - keyboard
CM Storm Sentinel - mouse
Razer Megalodeon - Headset

Fan controller is connected via Molex stick, and has 5 fans hooked up to it.

I just now noticed, when looking at the q-codes, that theres a led flashing in a orange light, located a bit under the dimm slots, is that supposed to be there? It isnt one of the 4 q-leds. The q-codes that appears all flash through extremely fast, it usually shows a solid FF or 30 when done loading everything (when im in windows), and i believei t shows a 99 or something aswell (couldnt get it to show that one atm).

Would it be an idea to try and reinstall my windows using a newer disc, and then removing all the hardware/usb connections that arent needed when i do so? Perhaps disconnect the fan controller aswell (that ones connected via Molex stick btw), or shouldnt it matter? The disc i used to install was fairly old as i mentioned.

Not sure why it gave me that issue with the VGA this time though, first time that one happened.

I noticed that the hanging on the ROG Bios loading screen thing, usually hangs untill the fans connected with my CPU cooler starts taking off (which takes 5-10 seconds usually - sometimes they dont even start, and i have a endless load at the ROG logo then). Should i perhaps try connect the fans to a other 4 pin connection? I have the watercooler connected to the cpu1 slot, and the fans are connected to cpu2 (it has a fancy name, optcpu or something?).

Are you guys confident that the board is working fine though? If i want to RMA it, and have a chance of just getting a brand new one, i have to do it within a week due to the fact how danish costums work. If the hardware is less then two weeks old, they might just replace it with a brand new one and send it back, and if its older then that, theyll check it, see if it has issues, and if not, ill have to pay them for checking it. That means id rather not ship it in, if its suppose to be working as intended, but due to my hardware(something else perhaps) being stupid, causes errors.