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Asus AI Suite III

Level 8
Can i download and install the new Asus AI Suite III on older ROG boards(Maximus V Formula) or are they for the Haswell boards only?
194 REPLIES 194

Level 7
I think this is an ultimate guide how to install newest AI Suite III on any Asus motherboard.

1.Download AI Suite III for newer MB. Unpack.
2. Place this file in the root directory of unpacked folder.!id8nTAwB!Qro2myQWM3-MKGRKb6ebkQ3seycCsa054qpBMDd0mNo
3. Run it.

IreuN wrote:
I think this is an ultimate guide how to install newest AI Suite III on any Asus motherboard.

1.Download AI Suite III for newer MB. Unpack.
2. Place this file in the root directory of unpacked folder.!id8nTAwB!Qro2myQWM3-MKGRKb6ebkQ3seycCsa054qpBMDd0mNo
3. Run it.

Yeah that setup.exe work perfectly. Now let me test this software on a old board.

IreuN wrote:
I think this is an ultimate guide how to install newest AI Suite III on any Asus motherboard.

1.Download AI Suite III for newer MB. Unpack.
2. Place this file in the root directory of unpacked folder.!id8nTAwB!Qro2myQWM3-MKGRKb6ebkQ3seycCsa054qpBMDd0mNo
3. Run it.

Tried this method with a brand new install of Windows 8.1 Pro downloaded from Microsoft itself this very day on my P8 Z77Pro V. Chrome thought the file on mega was malicious, but I went ahead and tried it anyway. Running the installation as admin, it resulted in a bluescreen followed by errors on reboot. Attempting to uninstall via control panel is unsuccessful. I may just re-install the OS on the off chance this thing was a virus.

Will try David Hart's method next, acquiring most the files on asus's web site. Installed smoothly using his method, though on reboot I encountered the error "The system cannot find the file specified, ProgID: "AsusFanControlService.FanCotrolManager." I tried the fix suggested by unknownofprob on Tomshardware forum:

interesting, this has happened before on many occasions.
This is worth a go:
Using a registry editor (e.g. regedit), go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\AsusFanControlService.EXE. Here you should look op the AppID of the AsusFanControlService. For me it was: {BEBCB884-9C21-4117-B30B-CED03A72B50F}.

Now navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{14083C53-B8E7-48E4-9320-811F3478C4A4} (the FanControlManager class). In here, create a new string value (not a key!). Make the name "AppID", and modify it to give it as data value the AppID you just found (for me that was "{BEBCB884-9C21-4117-B30B-CED03A72B50F}" like I mentioned before).

Reboot and you should be good to go.

Sadly, this didn't fix my problem. I uninstalled the AI suite, ran the cleaner for AI suite 2 and AI suite 3 as admin (nothing seemed to happen for the AI suite 3 cleaner). I reinstalled the AI suite (omitting EZ update), rebooted as prompted, and was pleasantly surprised to see AI Suite 3 loading up with no problem.

For giggles, I set my BIOS back to default and ran the 4-way optimization... and it failed miserably. It looks like it slightly underclocked my Core i5 3750k. This isn't entirely surprising, considering how this is a jury-rigged piece of software.

I noticed that it defaulted my proc to 80 MHz BCLK frequency (I'm pretty sure stock speed is 100 MHz BCLK) and it doesn't want me to change that in TPU. Are you other folks with Z77 V Pro boards having noticing that too?

Me too. I have P8Z77-V (no Deluxe, no Pro, only V) First of all, sorry for my english.

I installed AI Suite III version .56 on a fresh Windows 8.1 with modded AsusSetup.exe. After running the Fan Expert's auto tuning twice the Suite seems good and working, except the TPU. An example it reports 80MHz BCLK, and don't changing (CPU-Z shows 100MHz BCLK).

Okay, it isn't true at all. I have problems all the time with WiFi module on Windows 8.1 I've downloaded the newest drivers from here and installed in device manager.

Symptom (with AI Suite 2 and 3 too):
0. Driver updated from above linked website, Asus WiFi Go and WiFi Remote installed. Start WiFi sharing. Connect with an Android device (Nexus 5, droid 4.4.4)
1. After connected i'm happy because it works. Browsing a few minutes on mobile suddenly stopping the internet connection. The signal is remaining, but net disappearing. The yellow triangle shows up on Windows network indicator. Tryed reconnect, but refused me with 691 error.
2. Okay (i thought), restart the computer solves everything. Waited 3-5 minutes (with SSD is absurd), and nothing happened. I also realised, in this state (when the connection lost) the Windows go crazy. It don't want shutdown, restart or anything.

There is a "new" WiFi GO! (v4.01.15) for AI Suite III, but it doesn't allow me to install.

Anyone has encountered this problem? Can anyone help me?

Level 7
Hi guys

i own a m5a99x evo r2.0 mobo from asus and im wondering if ai suite III comes to my type mobo?
or do someone now how to make it work? i see al lot here but my english is not that good to understand to make it working on my machine


Level 7
Hey Guys, This is great work here! I thank you ASUS Suite III is so much better than Suite II.

My question is how do we upgrade to newer version after doing this hackery?

I followed @David Hart steps and everything is working great on myP8Z77-V PRO.

I have this file AISuite3_Win7-8-8-1_M7_V10183 from previous posts here, but how do I get upgrade to get DIP5 or any of the newer features/fixes?

Where is the download link for the AI Suite III? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks.

Level 7
Anybody knows which mobo is most similar to M5A99FX PRO R2.0?
I always have the same problem: "The model does not support this application"
Could somebody help me?

Level 7
Ok, I have installed it, but now i'm having error when launching AI Suite III: "Unknown name."

Level 15
Running newer AI Suite won't usually work as it's core code is specifically designed to interact with the exact functions of different generations of motherboards.