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AMD Chipsets, Memory Controllers, Topology, and Overclocking RAM

Level 7
Hi guys, how's it going?

I'm a total OC-n00b even though I'm in my 90's. In all past attempts at OCing RAM I have never had any mentionable successes. I've likely listened to every RAM oriented video from Buildzoid on his "ActuallyHardcoreOverclocking" youtube channel (many of them multiple times) and still not a whole lot of it clicks for me. Currently I'm playing with a new (to me) x370 MB and some 4000 and 4400 MHz RAM kits and was wondering a few things:

1) Given that the memory controller is CPU embedded does the chipset version matter when selecting and overclocking RAM?
2) If the answer to #1 is yes what are the approximate limits for x270, x370, x470, x570, and the new x670 chipsets?
3) Are there differences between the B and X series chipsets in regards to overclocking RAM?
4) Looking at my profile information, is anyone failure with that specific type/model of RAM and could suggest proper settings (timings) on x370?
5) What would be the optimal RAM sticks to purchase for the MB listed in my profile?
6) What other questions should I be asking?

Thanks for any help!

When I look up my RAM kits on Amazon through the links supplied by RAMMon 2.1 it indicates that I have 2 kits (4 modules) of TDZAD432G4000HC18LDC01 and 2 kits (4 modules) of PVS416G440C9K if that helps or is needed.