Hello guys and girls.
As the title stated i need some advice on choosing of GPU`s.
My old system was blown by lightning , and insurance covered it, so i now have the choice between selecting from 1 EVGA Titan X Hydrocopper , or 2 GTX 980 TI Hydrocopper.
I have a 3 monitor setup , but primarily gaming on 1 27" Asus 144hz monitor , but i was thinking about maybe upgrading my monitor(s) in the future , but as for now im gonna stick with the 3 i have , so the question is :
What would you guys choose ? 1 Titan X 12GB , or 2 GTX 980 TI Hydrocopper in SLI ?
I have a hard time deciding , so any input and reasons why to choose either would be much appreciated.
My other specs are
Asus Rampage V 2011-v3
Intel I7 5930K
32GB Corsair DDR 4 2666mhz
Best regards