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9700K @ 5.1 Temps and voltages?

Level 11
Been running it at 5ghz all cores for 6 months with 0 issues thought i'd try pushing it some more just done a quick 15min Realbench stress test which passed without issue with 1.37 set in bios and these are the results, Game voltages are 1.35 with 35-50c temps on a Corsair H150i Pro, Are these voltages ok and safe?86560

Level 10
you appear to have a good CPU. Those voltages and temps are good including VCCIO and VCCSA. VCORE maxing at 1.368 is about what you would expect when turboboost ramps up the CPU to 5.1GHz.

XYchromosone wrote:
you appear to have a good CPU. Those voltages and temps are good including VCCIO and VCCSA. VCORE maxing at 1.368 is about what you would expect when turboboost ramps up the CPU to 5.1GHz.

Thank you, I've locked the VCCIO and VCCSA voltages to stock standard voltages and never had any issues even with my ram overclocked from 3000mhz to 3600mhz.

It's about 1.34-1.35 in games and drops to 1.28-1.29 in handbrake, Just ran another 2 hour test of handbrake that passed ok. Thank you.