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4930k, R4BE Bios issues

Level 7
Hey guys,
I have had my rig for about 8 months and I've tried plenty of times to get more out of my setup than stock.
And I fail every time reverting back to the stock settings. I am a major newbie and the more I read the more
Confused I get,so I ask the moders out there that have the same Cpu and ram configuration and a similar
High end Gpu for help
Plus I get crashes on high video prossesing (wouldn't have a clue why, but the Cpu does get maxed out!)

These are my specs:

R4-BE Bios v4. 3
Intel 4930k ivy bridge -e(Intel water cooled)
24gig (6x4gig)Corsair dominator - gt 1866C9(running in xmp)
Nvidia 780ti (oc edition)
Thermaltake TR2 800w Psu
Samsung 840 pro ssd (running in UEFI mode)
4X2tb WD Black caviar hdd's

So anyone with tips or ideas on how I can crank my system up without looping or bsod's as I am a mad gamer
And any advantage is a opertunity!
One other question is my Psu big enough to handle all this plus other peribals?

Hello 1DareDevil and welcome

You could download ROG realbench to test your system for stability. If you don't have a cpu temp monitoring program you could download real temp 3.70 to see your cpu is running at safe temps.

If you're maxing out your cpu and it's crashing, it either needs more vcore or is getting too hot.