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4790K OC w/ Hero vii: How far should we go?

Level 7
Specs: 4790K, Hero 7, custom WC loop w/ tripple rad, 24 GB RAM, R9 290x

Current settings:
Manual mode, all cores, 4.5Ghz, vcore set manually at 1.25v
System agent: default/auto
Temps: Aida 64 shows 51
RealTemp 3.70 shows maximum as 68, 71, 68, 67

Whats next? Lower voltage with same frequency, or keep voltage and go higher frequency?

Level 7
i test to overclock at 4.7ghz and get 98c using realtemp...

Level 7
cranked it to 4.7 with the same manual vcore of 1.250
Aida64 20 min stable

Aida 64 shows 53
RealTemp: maximum of: 70, 72, 71, 68

Level 7
So, 4.8 Ghz, vcore 1.250, BSODed crashed after 12 min, Realtemp: 70, 72, 72, 68

4.8 Ghz, vcore 1.280, RealTemp: 75, 77, 77, 72 , 20 min stable

Should I test it longer before going further, or go 4.9 with vcore 1.280?

Your temps are fine and it seems you have a good overclocking 4790k.

You will have to raise the vcore for 4.9GHz. Try 1.32v, if it can do that you have a golden one. If you get a blue screen bump it up to 1.33v.

Level 7
Thanks for the reply!

Yes temps are really on our side right now, tripple rad and the D5 pump are doing their job

Should we get 4.8 stable more than 20 min before keep going, or scale down later?

If you're using realbench which I imagine you are, the 15 minute test is enough in my opinion. If you're stable for 15 minutes with realbench, it's time to try for 4.9GHz. Your temps are great!

I will say this, it seems the 4790k hits a wall after 4.9GHz, so you might need a lot more voltage for 5.0GHz. But seeing you have a triple fan rad, temps might allow you to try for it.

See what you need for 4.9GHz first, start with 1.32v.

Level 7
Realbench crashes as soon as I select 32 GB of RAM (I have 24, but there is no option for 24, it is 16 or 32).

Realbench works for 16 GB of RAM though. Using AIDA64, it works with all the RAM.

I will try 1.32-1.35 tonight for 4.9

If I can get 4.9 stable, then will shoot for 5 🙂

Not applicable
make it 4500-4700mhz stable instead for 24/7

It wont be 24/7 stable at 4800mhz and beyond anyway on water.

Doesent matter if you go fully manual settings, or pass 3456 days of Prime95

Benchmark stable is another thing

By running the cpu for very long times, in lets say IBT or prime95 at high temps can harm the chip..

Heat and voltage = bad combination, stay under 80c

4950mhz is the limit for most haswell 4 cores chips on water.. chilled or not, passing XTU benchmark or realbench

Level 7
WhitePaw: the boost is at 4400, getting a 4500-4700 is hardly an OC, stable or not. This chip should be aiming for 4800-5000 stable, thats my opinion