Not sure you knew this but you can take screen shots of your bios. Use a fat formatted USB drive and F12 in bios to take the screen. A nifty little add on.
Now to bussiness
Here is what I would do.
In BIOS set XMP as my mode of OC
In your case select profile 2.
Now change the multiplier to 45x
Go down to the digi+ section and change the LLC (first item) to 4 or 5
Back and move down to the vcore.
Here you select off set as your mode
+ (for positive offset)
And now do your RAID mode in sata if you are running RAID.
F10 and enter.
That my friend is pretty much it. If your system posts to OS fine, open CPUz (the latest one) and check out the voltage while at idle and under load.
Run the ROG Benchmark - do the benchmark not the stress test twice. Keep an eye on temps if that is a concern but with the H100i it should be good.
Will check back when you have had a chance to play.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.