Hello, i have an Z97-WS (bios 2704) with 5775C, i have bought an 960 Pro 1To and i mount it in the Asus HYPER M.2 X4 MINI CARD.
Well the SSD is not seen ...
With a silverstone PCI Express 3.0 4X M.2 adaptator system sees a 950 Pro 512Go (O_O) but i can't install Windows on it (failure during install).
Now i try Asus HYPER M.2 X4 MINI CARD with Hyper Kit and Intel 750 NVME U2, nothing recognise ... The same 750 NVME but PCI Express format is recognize without problems.
The same config with an X99-WS/IPMI works well.
Is it a Bios problems which need new drivers to recognize samsung 960 SSD ? What about 750 U2 ?
There is no technical reason that it does not work ...