I had to manually set memory timings. The bios does not auto config the timing correctly.
YOU HAVE TO ENABLE XMP under ai tweaker. Thats the only way for the bios to run your memory at rated speeds.
As soon as I enabled that, it automatically configured the timings.
It's pretty stable now. Running at 3000mhz. Pretty sweet board now that it doesn't reset.
Everytime I power off the pc, and then power it back on I get a "Overlock failed press f1"
Then I go into the bios and select optimezed defaults.
When I select the settings, the bios freezes. Then I have to manually power off again.
The computer then boots and works the second time.
However, every power off, I still get the message and it appears the bios resets itself.
I am not overclocking anything, I am running at stock specs.
Any suggestions? I have the latest bios as of 11/2015