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X99 sabertooth CPU fan error

Level 7
Hello i had tried fixing this already but it wont seem to go away no matter what i try 4-5 boots till i get past it.
i have turned the cpu fan modes to pwm, ignore, turbo. tried setting low limit from any thing from 600 to ignore.
I have also tried switching the area that the headers each go to to other besides the cpu.

Its just getting on my nerves now and don't understand when i set the bio to ignore the cpu fan low limit
it will still set off an error. The whole system is water cooled. and i know the fans are all going but
this board just keeps wanting error before boot.50019

Level 15
Navigate to the Monitor tab. Scroll down until you see the CPU Fan Speed reading. Click it and set it to Ignore. Save and exit. If you are unable to get to this section of the BIOS, connect a fan to the CPU fan header temporarily to configure the setting. When finished, you can disconnect the fan.

Level 7
chino every last fan monitor is Already set to ignore. it does not ignore the fan speed on start up for some reason.

Level 15
Connect an USB pendrive to your motherboard and with the F12 key, take screenshots of all the options that you've changed to Ignore. Post the screenshots here for me please.