AAtte wrote:
I just bought Strix X570-I and my chipset temps to go 67 while idle and my chipset fan is at 5000RPM. How can I fix this?
I suggest to get a 10 K ohm thermister [the common PTC or "Positive Temperature Coefficient" type] and plug it in to a 2 pin extension heat sensor input on your mobo, which I would think actually has one of those 2 pin sensor inputs. Then tape the thermister end of the cable to the PCH to monitor the chipset's temp. This will bring up a monitor setting in your fan control in the BIOS so you can pick the extension thermister as a source for fan speed control. But if your BIOS does not have this functionality, then I am not sure what else you can do.
You can purchase these 10k thermister cables with a 2 pin header at one end for your mobo, or if you're a handy person you can make it yourself, it's easy. I have a photo of two thermister cables that I soldered the 10k thermister at one end of an old DVD burner digital audio cable that also uses the 2 pin format as the ASUS mobos do. If you are a long toothed PC builder you should have a spare ODD digital cable that you can use. Just cut off one end and keep the female 2 pin header on the other end. Purchase a 10k PTC thermister from a local electronics part supplier such as radio shack etc. or search online and solder the thermister to the opposite cut end of the cable. I use heat shrink tubing to slide over each leg of the thermister before soldering, then use a cigarette lighter to heat shrink the tubing placed over the solder joint to prevent the 2 legs of the thermister from shorting out. Then i put another length of tubing over the whole thermister and also up to about 1 cm or 1/2 inch of the cable and heat shrink the tubing to protect the thermister.