micketkeong .. I would reflash the bios from a fresh download first of all if you have any doubts about the bio being corrupt.
That said.
Most bsod are memory related.
When you flashed 'that' bios did you first set the running bios to default ?
Did you completely reset any overclocks and all settings ?
And don't forget the second set of memory running. DDR5 .. I always
update and/or install gpu drivers. To be on the safe side.
Lastly. Why did you 'update' your bios? Were you having issue ?
If all else fails and issues continue I would simply reflash to the
bios that was giving you no issue.
[with all the hardware combinations available and the differences
between memory (even the exact same kits, different manuf. run)
cpu's ... etc. A bios that is drastically needed for one, could be
a nightmare for the next guy.]
There could be other issues beyond the bios change. Please, Keep us posted. .c.